The End of a Hunter

Yes, the D VII is the hell of a deadly warplane.
But I don't like her. Looks ugly, and just is too damn superiour.
Perhaps, if you had a Snipe, I'd choose it.

But if we shall dogfight soon, I'll try my beloved Albatros against your Camel.
They should be interesting opponents.
Your Camel's advantages:
- much more manoeuverable
- better in climbing
- better roll rate

My Albatros' advantages:
- more rugged, not so easy to destroy
- faster at dives (not too steep though - lower wing not stabile enough)
- more rounds of ammo (I think)
- better overall view

Camel 54 Squad. - okay, will do one! Bye for now! Olham
Yes, the D VII is the hell of a deadly warplane.
But I don't like her. Looks ugly, and just is too damn superiour.
Perhaps, if you had a Snipe, I'd choose it.

But if we shall dogfight soon, I'll try my beloved Albatros against your Camel.
They should be interesting opponents.
Your Camel's advantages:
- much more manoeuverable
- better in climbing
- better roll rate

My Albatros' advantages:
- more rugged, not so easy to destroy
- faster at dives (not too steep though - lower wing not stabile enough)
- more rounds of ammo (I think)
- better overall view

Camel 54 Squad. - okay, will do one! Bye for now! Olham

Indeed!...But the aircraft is only as good as the man flying it!...So, I am a dead man walking!
Hahaha! Now, your avatar is brilliantly suitable again, for imagening you, sitting at your table with that doubtful look!
I don't know, who'll win, and we may do several f(l)ights, maybe with different planes even, to explore them.
I won't treat you with care in the air, but I can promise so much: I won't play a triumphant march or blow into a horn, when you loose.
And I'm hopefully prepared to even loose ?...
Hahaha! Now, your avatar is brilliantly suitable again, for imagening you, sitting at your table with that doubtful look!
I don't know, who'll win, and we may do several f(l)ights, maybe with different planes even, to explore them.
I won't treat you with care in the air, but I can promise so much: I won't play a triumphant march or blow into a horn, when you loose.
And I'm hopefully prepared to even loose ?...

Yes.... It is always advisable to be 'prepared' to lose! (doesn't mean you have to enjoy it though!) :ernae:

But it will be a good laugh m8!!!....cant wait!
Captain David Oldham enters the mess.

"Captain Widowmaker?!"

Laughter from all, a red-haired man with a challenging blink in his eyes stands up and comes across the room.
"Woof, woof! Tat's just my nickname here, old chap - what can I do for you?"

"Your nickname is 'woof woof', Sir?"

"No - my nickname is WIDOWMAKER, old chum! Although - I might have downed some bachelors, too; hohoo!! Woof!!"

Captain Oldham is looking slightly irritated.
"I've flown here from St. Omer; I've just brought a brandnew Camel for you."

"Already here? Brandnew, no joke?"

"And if a remark is allowed - you must have some good friends in high ranking positions. Never before have I delivered a plane, already painted with personal markings."

"They did it? They painted my desired sign on it? Oh, my goodness! Woof!! Captain, you must be cold now, and we'll get you fixed with a nice cup of tea and a brandy in a minute. But first, let's go to the field - show me the lady!"

The two men go out, and here's the plane they see:
That is a fine Widowmaker skin! My only objection is the object of you target practice, haha. Yes my Albie skin. Yes very seldom to be seen in such a compromising position, in the proper hands that is. But it does look good from behind.:Banane36:
Sorry, Jim, wasn't thinkin'. And seeing it now, it can make your heart bleed, can't it?
But for 20 minutes, I was really Captain Oldham, flying a great British crate. Since I had her trimmed right, she behaved a hell of a turn devil!
Turning with her almost impossible for Albatros pilots! Her guns are as dangerous as "ours" - so you can only avoid them, and boom-and-zoom.
Shooting is a bit tricky, as she reacts directly on the stick - trembling forbidden!
Being a pretty good deflection shooter, I would see good chances for me though. But it will be tough, when I'll fight him online.
Best wishes to the both of you. Maybe one day you will both taste the flavour of my lead. What a wonderful world, eh?
Count me in! First Row, middle seat, beer and chips, please!
Well, well well.... As if old Captain Slack Bladder wasn't enough!....I look in awe at the New Aeroplane.... The Ground crew have done a fantastic job!...she shall put the fear of God into her opponents!

What can I say Olham..except thank you very much!....Can you advise when the 54th will take delivery?
That is a fine Widowmaker skin! My only objection is the object of you target practice, haha. Yes my Albie skin. Yes very seldom to be seen in such a compromising position, in the proper hands that is. But it does look good from behind.:Banane36:

That Alb has got a great looking skin!..Can you advise which one it is?..I want a closer look!
It is from the shop of Herr Olham himself, the Skinner Extrordinaire. I would post some nice pics but I am a moron and don't know what I am doing.:wiggle:
He is a very talented (if slightly German fellow!)

Such a nice chap in fact, it will be a shame to shoot him down!:wiggle:
Now you got me all blushed, you air devils, you! Thanks a lot.
I'm in the web with the old rig, so I can't reach the skin of RICKITYCRATE's Albatros right now. May send it tomorrow.
Jim, to make screenshots, you just pause, choose a good angle outside view, then press F12.
You'll find them... oh, my! I know it in German only. It's on C, "My documents", somewhere there is a folder for OverFlandersFields. The shots will be in there.
Oh, press F12. Ich weiss es nicht!. Viel dank mein freund.