Had an "interesting" flight to YMTG tonight.
I had went up to 15,000 trying to get some speed out of the Stratoliner and it got to be time to descend. I'd installed a new overspeed "alarm" and figured it would be a good time to test it. So here I am, dropping kind of fast and trying to keep an eye on the airspeed while doing the chatbox thing. I start hearing some knocking and clattering and look over and I've overpressured #2 & #4 and they're just barely running if at all. I throttled back to below max continous and #1 & #3 are still running good so at least I've got one on each wing.
I'm getting closer to the airfield and start my approach
About this point I realise that I'm too low and on just two engines, there's no such thing as climbing just slowing the descent. Then just to the left of the airport going through the woods, I see a road. I figured it was better to try to land on that road than go down through the trees so , I aim for it
I touch down on the road and start slowing down as I get closer to the airfield. Right as I start to enter the clearing the airfield is in, I hit the last tree!
So it looks like I might be spending the holidays here waiting on a couple of engines to come in the mail and getting the dent out of the wing.