The Lockheed PV-1 Vega Ventura

Wow! I look forward to the Ventura when it's ready! The Ventura was a hot ship compared to the heavier and slower PV-2 Harpoon...
:applause: Great work Milton
Just wanted to point out something on the model- I know it's a WIP, and you probably know, but the oil cooler intakes were flush with the gear doors along the bottom.

Ah yes, it took some searching to find that detail as my on-the-ground pics have the doors open, and the 3-views hide the doors with the nacelles, and the in-flight pics are dark or bad angles. But I see now you are correct. I'll fix that; thanks for the heads-up. :)

EDIT: the 12 parts involved in this change have been adjusted; now for the other engine/cowling/oil cooler/cooler flaps/exhaust skirt. :)
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LOL Dave; I usually accumulate 5-6 GB of stuff per project and my drive is holding up just fine. It is interesting when I recall that back in my early days as a computer programmer, we ran the whole company on 300 MBs :)

Yeah, remember when 512k floppies were standard? LOL!!! I had a TRS(Tandy) 80 with dual 20 meg hard disk cards. Woo Hoo! Hot stuff! :adoration:

When I had the 1 TB drive installed the techs were amazed at the size of my Microsoft Games folder. I also have my paint kits folder in there also. Yeah, I hoard Flt sim stuff!

LOL Dave; I usually accumulate 5-6 GB of stuff per project and my drive is holding up just fine. It is interesting when I recall that back in my early days as a computer programmer, we ran the whole company on 300 MBs :)

Deja vous of those times, LOL - not long ago, a 10MB graphics archive would get flabbergasted printing and production houses promptly buzzing.

Xp-47J comes in at circa 4.5 GBs for sounds and 3.85 for artwork.

I shudder to check the Poon - 'there are 12 separate sound dev. folders on my machine.

Graphics ? - not tellin' ya...

YET! :dizzy:
Yeah, remember when 512k floppies were standard? LOL!!! I had a TRS(Tandy) 80 with dual 20 meg hard disk cards. Woo Hoo! Hot stuff! :adoration:

512K Dave? My first PC (an Amstrad 1512) used 5¼in floppies, which had a capacity of 340k; mind you, I had the luxury version with the 10MB hard drive. Incredible to think that the RAM on that machine was just 512k, when I now run a machine with 12GB of RAM!!
Thought you might be interested in the civil version of the PV-1...

The top one is an executive transport and the bottom one looks like it may have its bomb bay doors open..don't know what it was used for.

Another one... a Super Ventura. It looks quite clean and streamlined. And yes, you can see that the oil coolers were flush with the gear doors!

. . actually it is the N250JR (Navy?) that caught my eye. Can't say if it is a Howard conversion or not ..
I'm really enjoying this thread & looking forward to a Ventura as the South African Air Force used them.
Now... Howard vs Ventura?
Another one... a Super Ventura. It looks quite clean and streamlined. And yes, you can see that the oil coolers were flush with the gear doors!


Oh my, what a beauty when she sports those stylish spinners.

Indeed, a nice catch, mrogers - thanks for sharing.
I'm really enjoying this thread & looking forward to a Ventura as the South African Air Force used them.
Now... Howard vs Ventura?

Well, as of right now, there is little contest between the two. But give us a bit and we'll at least make it a toss up.

The Lodestar will be a right fancy little flyer in her own right. The flight model is most impressive already and she is much more mannerly than the Howard 500 on approach and landing; she actually prefers a slow landing, nice and soft and easy. :)

Now the Ventura, add 10-12K pounds and we shall see how sweet she is coming in. I will say that the Ventura has a look about her that is hard not to like. I am working feverishly on the Lodestar cockpit right now to get to the next phase of mapping and textures. Once that is done, I slip back into the Ventura to finish her cockpit before mapping. Shouldn't take long.
Hi Milton,

Thank you very much for undertaking this project
The Ventura is one of those aircraft from history whose story has been little told.
The RNZAF flew them extensively in the Pacific theater during WWII.
It was regarded as quite a hot ship at the time.
With the shorter more highly loaded wing it should make an interesting comparison with the Harpoon.
Here is an website detailing RNZAF use of the PV-1 Ventura and the earlier RB-34 Lexington variation with the glazed nose.
It has some good photos and a walk around with detail shots of the sole RNZAF survivor, an RD-34 Lexington in the Museum of transport and technology here in Auckland.

I see another FS9 classic in the making.

Cheers and all the best with the project.

Hi Milton,

Thank you very much for undertaking this project
The Ventura is one of those aircraft from history whose story has been little told.
The RNZAF flew them extensively in the Pacific theater during WWII.
It was regarded as quite a hot ship at the time.
With the shorter more highly loaded wing it should make an interesting comparison with the Harpoon.
Here is an website detailing RNZAF use of the PV-1 Ventura and the earlier RB-34 Lexington variation with the glazed nose.
It has some good photos and a walk around with detail shots of the sole RNZAF survivor, an RD-34 Lexington in the Museum of transport and technology here in Auckland.

I see another FS9 classic in the making.

Cheers and all the best with the project.


Thank you David; that was a good read. :applause: Hopefully we can see some NZ paint schemes on these aircraft soon.