The next one is a Junkers.

Stick a fork in her.... she's done



I'll upload this to Avsim in a moment, should be up by tomorrow afternoon at the latest....
I have got a bit more done on my cammo scheme, The roof textures seem to be mapped upside down and has been causing me probs on aligning the cammo. But it's getting there slowly.
OOOps the floats fell off this one , well in truth I just wanted to try a late war cammo.
I have just about got the mottle cammo done and have also been working on another float.
Swedish JU-52 Float (TP 5)

This is the "Sodermanland" TP 5 of Swedish Airforce circa Xmas 1932 - Visited by the Prince of Wales. Steve is this one you might like? Take care. Ed
This is the "Sodermanland" TP 5 of Swedish Airforce circa Xmas 1932 - Visited by the Prince of Wales. Steve is this one you might like? Take care. Ed

Cheers for the piccie Ed. I have already got the SE-ADR underway.

Steve, can I make a request..?

This Casa 352L is in a Dutch museum, painted as a Ju-52 that took part in the invasion of our country in May 1940:

The procurement of this Junkers Ju-52/3m by the Aviodrome is a tribute to those who fought against the German invaders during those doomful days in May 1940s, when 430 Ju-52s and hundreds of other armed aircraft swarmed like flies over the Netherlands. Fokker C.5 fighters, 15 years old by that time, fought a gallant battle. Between May 10th and 14th the Dutch armed forces managed to take out half of the German airtransport fleet and this haulted the Blitzkrieg effort in its intention to continue with an invasion of England that same summer of 1940.
Ju-52/3m 1Z+IK was taken out, after its landing on the beaches of The Hague, where it was damaged beyond repair by Fokker C.5s. Many aircraft dropped parachutists or unloaded troops in this area, near The Hague, to prevent the Queen and her government to flee abroad (a ploy which failed).
This aircraft was part of 1e Gruppe, Kampfgeschwader zur besonderen Verwendung I (KGzbV I). It had landed on the beach but failed to take off as it got stuck in the sand. A flight of 3 Fokker C.5s spotted 20 Ju-52s, including 1Z+IK, on the beach in the morning of May 10th and these and other C.5s returned that afternoon and shot them up in three attacks. 1Z+IK was damaged, but not destroyed; others suffered a fate by fire due to tracer ammunition or were bombarded. 1Z+IK was probably repaired by the Fokker factory, which found a temporary home in the Amsterdam RAI.
This Ju-52/3m will get a spot inside the museum, next to its opponent during those fateful days in May 1940; the Fokker C.5 .
[Source: Verenigde Vleugels, May 2007]
No probs consider it done. but did you want the museum paint or the proper luftwaffe cammo and swazi on the tail, or both lol.

Infact you could consider it as almost finished. Just need too move the fuselage ingnia back a little bit. But I'm off too weld a landrover so It won't get done till later today.

I'd be very happy already with the mseum version, anything else would be a very nice bonus!
Thanks in advance! :applause:
SE-AFD "Vikingaland"

Steve, you may have already considered the SE-AFD "Vikingaland" painted totally ORANGE as a Neutrality marking on floats? Or not.


Sorry not much help. The B/W picture is I believe the SE-AFD....duh.

SE-AFD Vikingaland inhyrdes under perioden juli 1941-juli 1945. Liksom SE-ADR försedd med kronmärken kombinerat med civil registrering och dessutom "neutralitetsmålat" helt orange. Var i tjänst vid bl.a. F 8 (FS), F 3 och F 11. Motorerna var dessamma som för SE-AFA. Efter tjänsteperioden återgick flygplanen till AB Aerotransport, och togs slutligen ur trafik 1949. Förarkabinen till SE-ADR finns bevarad i Arlandasamlingen.

The orange isn't quiet correct yet, I'm still awaiting confirmation of the exact rgb values, but this piccie gives you an idea on what it will look like. And ignore the cabin frame I havent got too that bit yet.

Neat - very nice!

Very nice. Floats or wheels? FWIW:Save the color, slap on some logos for EMMA FIELD FLYING CLUB and away ya go!!!

Very nice. Floats or wheels? FWIW:Save the color, slap on some logos for EMMA FIELD FLYING CLUB and away ya go!!!


The way i have my layers set up it takes only about 1/2 an hour to rebadge and recolour an aircraft.
