The odd one out..?


Retired SOH Administrator
A slightly different game for the aviation experts here, based on the 'Have I got news for you' show.
Four aircraft, one's the 'odd one out'.
Let's see you come up with some creative answers! (And yes, the FW190 is a replica but that's not the answer I'm looking for) :engel016:




I'd say the picture with the Russian aircraft. It doesn't have a Douglas DC-2/DC-3 in it.
..........The Russian one - the Pilot is so enormously tall his legs stick out the bottom of the 'plane ..................
Presumably all photos taken at Lelystad - is it something to do with powerplants ??
The orange DC2 is not in flying condition!

It could not be the powerplants, the FW (if it is from Flugwerk) has a chinese engine, the yak a russian or also chines power plant, the DCS most probably P & W. That does not rule ONE out!

In that case, does the Yak have a P&W motor ? (some did) That would leave the Fw as the odd man out ????
Lefty is getting very warm, but it's not the answer I'm looking for yet!

The DC-3 photo provides another clue...

BTW Alex: Love your avatar!
OK, one more go.

I'll say the DC-2 is odd man out as the only one with its original engines. (Wright Cyclones ?)

The Fw has a Chinese motor, I know the Yak is a replica so probably has something similar, and the Orange Peril has god-knows-what under those cowlings to make it look nicer ???

Other than that, I give up !
I'll say the DC-2 is odd man out as the only one with its original engines. (Wright Cyclones ?)

:applause: :icon29:

The FW-190 replica flies with an ASh-82 engine, the same that powers a Yak-3. The Yak-3 has a R-1830 which we also find in DC-3's. The orange DC-3 is fitted with a pair of R-1820's from a DC-2!
Obio, the orange DC-3 has a pair of DC-2 engines fitted that once belonged to a former RAAF DC-2 (The fuselage is somewhere in side the museum) which have the original two-speed props, not the constant speed ones like their flying DC-2 has.