The old Quarantine Staion at Portsea.


Maybe we should return it to use during COVID lockdowns!


These are the original barracks dating back mid 19th Century IIRC.

Again I'm unsure of the construction date but it was late 19th or early 20th Century.
Quite typical 'Victorian' style.
I thought the idea of quarantining was to keep people apart from the community for the communities protection. Quarantining in inner city hotels?
Right on, probably the lesser of two evils in the beginning of the COVID outbreak, but at least the men in the grey suits have finally decided that the purpose built facility proposed for Avalon is the right way to go.
Just for once the NT used their heads and took over one of the accommodation 'camps' built during the mining boom for quarantine purposes and it has been very successful, and the other States need to do the same.
COVID is going to be with us for a long time and once it's done we still need to have this type of quarantine protection in place.
The originals in these photographs were originally in operation to guard against the 'Plague', Diphtheria, Pneumonia and all the 19th and early 20th century nastiness, they were way to small to be of use during the so-called 'Spanish Flu' infection, and were last used (briefly) during the post WW.II
migration influx as temporary processing centres.