The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

Thank you, Chris. It's a rare occurrence when I identify one from your side of the pond!

I don't think that the aeroplane below has been used here before. But fingers crossed .....

Welcome back, Walter. Your absence has caused some concern!

It isn't the LT-51 Microplan - nor any other member of the convoluted family of aeroplanes with which Léon Lacroix and Dr. Barret de Nazaris were involved - although datewise the autoplan illustrated is almost exactly contemporaneous with the pre-war emanation of the LT-51.
And also welcome back, Uli. Robert was getting a tad worried about you too!

Yes, it is M. Louchet's 'Le Pyrale', which was presented to the world on the eve of WWII - and, in consequence, was not heard of thereafter. And for those whose lepidopterological French might not be up to scratch, le pyrale du buis is the box tree moth whose caterpillars can decimate your box hedges - if box blight hasn't already done so!

Over to Germany. Take it away, Uli!
Thanks Robert.

A sporty biplane up next. (It has appeared before but as another version/variant). This photo is a new discovery of it in one of it's forms.
