The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

As what I know about modern helicopters could be engraved on a pinhead and I couldn't have made my incorrect guess without that which Chris had said, I think it only fair that he takes the credit and the next go at beguiling us with a new mystery!
I'm dancing on the head of the pin with you. Civil helicopter not my forte.
I remember seeing the RotorWay helicopter back in the 60's I think in Air Progress magazine. That's the only reason I got that far.
New challenge with a head start is American. Sorry for the low resolution.



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Yes indeed, it's the Dittmar Motor Möwe. But by being so quick off the mark, you've deprived me of the opportunity to offer: 'it's got something in common with a lawn tractor' as a clue! But never mind. The ball's in a Texan court.
Sorry for the delay.

Back to the water...

It is indeed. I came to mind during a conversation with Erican on the FSX screenshot thread, where he has a number of aircraft flying under/through bridges & hangars. The Short N.2B was flown through Tower Bridge on April 9 1919, delivering the Undersecretary of State for Air General Seely, who had been touring the Shorts works at Rochester, to answer some urgent parliamentary questions ...... makes you wonder if Flt Lt Alan Pollock knew that when he did the same deed in a Hunter 49 years later. :biggrin-new:

Over to you Chris.