That is her. Ah, love those old days when nothing was simple.
Designations used:
Spec.E.6/48 - British Air Ministry
HP-88 - Handley Page (designer of the crescent wing)
Type 521 - Vickers-Supermarine (supplying a Type 510)
GAL-63 - General Aircraft (building the aircraft with the new wing)
Y.B.2 - SBAC (Society of British Aircraft Constructors) after General Aircvraft was absorbed by Blackburn Aircraft in 1949.
The military serial was VX330.
THe cresent wing was of course applied to the HP-80 Victor.
There are two Gere Sport biplanes in New Zealand, one in the collection of the MOTAT in Auckland (possibly never flown) and one that has been built only some years ago and is currently flying active.
Thanks Robert
Here my next mystery I'm cocksure that this one is pretty well known to the Whole gang but as we are about to talk about diminitive aircrafts….
By the way a bit of philology (my preferred subject): "saltafossi" has a double meaning the second being "urchin" (Spitzbube if you prefer)
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