The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

This person who made this is in Aerofiles but not this aircraft. I found info stating he had made 300 aircraft if so he would be more famous. I assume bad info more like 3 aircraft maybe. Also where I found this said it was accepted by US Signal Corp. I've never run across it in that regard.

Quite modern for its time (which for various reasons was a bad time for new designs).


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Lestere Miller, Dallas TX was the maker. Scout was the only id on the place where I found it.

I have some information on Lestere Miller as he was well known in early Dallas aviation exploits but no mention at all about a Scout biplane. Would like to know the source of your photo Chris.

I got it out of old "American Airman" magazine July 1960 page 22 caption "is a military scout with OX5 motor, designed and built by Miller. It was accepted by US Signal Corps in 1916"

Hi Kevin :very_drunk:
That is her!. Though I have NX28646 also seen also reported as N-1 and even as XC-67.

Surprise us!
Thanks Walter.

I know you are not big on the really old ones but this one caught my fancy recently.

The hats are a great clue! This aircraft had a novel feature as the outer wing sections rotated to act as ailerons.
Ah, rotary ailerons from the land where men have snow on their boots. Then it must be the Hendersonski-Glennyski Gadflyski. If not, then Pickeringski-Pearsonski K(G)P Twoski!
Holding back can lead to stress I have heard. That is why they invented pubs...

:guinness: for Robert on the Brothers Kasyanenko contraption.