The Ongoing Mystery Aircraft Thread Part Deux.

Thanks, Mike!
At first look that plane yelled "Fournier" but then the details didn't fit, so I had do dig a bit deeper.
Strange that there are so few photos in the net from that type.

Here is my next mystery, I have left a small clue in the picture to keep it a bit easier.


  • DC98D651-542B-41ED-9E1F-2B8F93B630A2.jpg
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I have it as the Khoel KO-11. Not sure if that is correct as I have no other information on it!


  • KHOEL KO-1.jpg
    KHOEL KO-1.jpg
    83.1 KB · Views: 73
You are right as far as it goes because this is a real mystery ship : listed as being constructed by Hermann Khoel and Ernst Von Loesse , in Weimar in i1933/34 , it is also suggested that it is a an uncredited Alexander Lippisch design ....

:icon29: over to you .......
The lack of rudder caused directional control problems. Flown in 1929 and not in Aerofiles.


  • xe46k.jpg
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It originally was fitted with a Henderson motorcycle engine but then later flown with a Gipsy of unknown type.

Not European either.
Tried a search with

aircraft henderson gipsy 1929

and - Eureka! - got a result after scrolling down for a while.

That should be the Gash Birdplane from :australia: