The Shagbat RELEASED!


Charter Member
Coming soon from Messrs Moylneaux, Horsey and myself is our latest model the Supermarine Walrus.

Created with the use of the type's Technical Manual and countless publications, we hope that she will prove to be popular with everyone out there as its something a little bit different from what we've made before and its also Dave's first biplane model too. For some reason, Pilots Notes are not available for the Walrus and so we were very lucky to borrow a set of Air Transport Auxiliary Notes which give thorough handling speeds and effects of controls etc.

Will keep you informed of all future developments.

Best wishes,

MartinView attachment 88311View attachment 88312View attachment 88313
Always room in my hangar for such a great-looking model! :jump:

Thanks, thats all down to Dave. I hunt down and gather all the references and then Dave builds the model and Brian creates the FDE. I always seem to have the easiest part.

Sometimes we are at an end to what to build next and before this aeroplane some projects have had to be dropped as they weren't enough good sources of information. Getting three view drawings is easy, but its finding the relevant manuals and more importantly the pilot's notes which give the all important insides which at times has proved difficult. If we cant get the detail for the VC, then the project is sadly dropped.

For this one, I had a few ideas of what to build next, and then one evening drove the wrong way home after a meal out in Plymouth and stopped at a set of traffic lights outside a pub. And what was that pub called? Yep 'The Walrus'. Good job I did go the wrong way as you would probably not be reading about this today!!!


She looks gorgeous Martin, as ever you've all done a great job.

I suppose it is to much to hope that you have a pub called "The Sea Otter" on your way home? *innocent face*
Another beauty, cant wait to fly it. Meanwhile few additional flights with my beloved Arrow while waiting for "Shagbat" won't hurt either.

There's a Seagull V on display at RAF Hendon. I can't guarantee any cockpit shots, but if it would help I can take my digital SLR along to see what I can get. I live in west London, so its just "down the road".

Let me know if you want me to pay it a visit.


Walrus - Seagull

Thanks for the offer - most sporting :salute:.
However, we're now in the last stages of the project and have had all the images I could need. Mainly because Martin is in reach of the FAA museum at Yeovilton where they have a Walrus which he's snapped away at.
Cheers and thanks again -
Dave M(oly)
The prettiest one I think was the 1948 Type 381 Seagull....

I agree and would have made a worthy project but as you know Keith, we wouldn't be able to do it as no Pilots Notes exist for the internal model. A Walrus on steroids! :)

Keith - I assume you're referring to the Seagull ASR built in 1948. A pretty aircraft, yes - once described as the result of a night of passion between a Griffon-engined Spitfire and a Walrus :icon_eek:.
Cheers :guinness:
Dave M(oly)
Martin, As Dave once said to me - if there is no data out there then no-one can criticize! On the other hand there is a the 360° interior view available of the Mohawk, but although I copied it slavishly (as much as one can) I do think that some of the gauges are post war & the blue interior is suspect also in my eyes!
Dave - I like the description!!! It could have been a Joe Smith design I suppose.
Martin you posted elsewhere that you are testing it in FSX. So I can assume that if it works in FSX then it should work in P3D also. Would love to find out as the RAAF had several and post WWII several also fell into civilian hands.
Martin you posted elsewhere that you are testing it in FSX. So I can assume that if it works in FSX then it should work in P3D also. Would love to find out as the RAAF had several and post WWII several also fell into civilian hands.

As it is built for FS9 and as Dave the modeller doesn't have the program it might be not possible to amend the glitches that I'm currently having. This, by no means is anything to do with the model, its just that the two programs at times doesn't seem to speak the same language. Perhaps, its just my system, but the problems I'm having will be looked at before release.



I think Martin meant FS9 :icon_eek:
I don't have FSX installed so I certainly can't comment at all about
any performance in P3D.
Dave M(oly)
For age, charm, speed, grace and elegance it can only be matched by the designer in person. :icon_lol:
I think Martin meant FS9 :icon_eek:
I don't have FSX installed so I certainly can't comment at all about
any performance in P3D.
Dave M(oly)

Umm you're correct....bit of a mental block there.....its all so confusing at times! (Now amended).

For age, charm, speed, grace and elegance it can only be matched by the designer in person. :icon_lol:

Its weird to think that the Walrus was designed by R J Mitchell, who in only a few years from designing this, created the Spitfire!
