While testing the LDR FSX Native version of the Mallard, I ran across an old friend. 
I added a few pics to show the placards text.
Spoil sport, I had some ideas of my own what too put on them, but best stick with the actual wording, after all it would only confuse/scare the kiddies.
On a side note, how do I get my steering wheels and yoke thing back it's not showing in vc mode ? ( latest model release)
Really looking forward to the Complete Package, Milton!
Alan, thank you. The package will still be a WIP without skins or textured panel, or proper sounds for now, but all the rest of the package will be beta-ready.
That's about all I can do at this point. I'll leave it to others to finish off exterior and interior textures.
And maybe someone can identify some good P&W R-1340 sounds for use with the package.
Milton I have been working on the overhead panel getting it stencilled up and attach the textures for you too have a look at. I have redone the placards .bmp and badged up the steering wheel. On the stencilling I can get it too look ok at a distance but blurred on closer look. Is it poss to make the red and black underside panels a slightly higher res or some such magic.
Interior textures :https://www.dropbox.com/s/iob1k1s6turpxf8/ms_ mallard_beta_9.zip?dl=0