There's Nothing Like Fresh Mesh ...

Fast falling in love with the Mallard! This is my first repaint for it:

Ahhh, beautiful work on that scheme Sir! :applause:
Thank you Milton, I will try my best and make good use of Rachaels work of art and your superb looking model.
as I said, Ive waited 32 years for the Mallard!;)
ever since that TV series, not sure about the name now, but this aircraft and its graceful lines have been with me all these years.
Now having her flying in my FS, what else can a guy ask for?!;)
so again, THANK YOU TO ALL INVOLVED, im so pleased.
Steve, Sir, not sure I can help, but if you are using Photoshop, its easy;
click twice on the layer, and in effects choose inner glow, use black or dark brown and " overlay" as "multiply" could end up too dark?
again as I said, Im not sure this is what you meant in your reply.
Please dont take me wrong, I hope Im not being too forward, if it sounds that way, pease forgive me, not my intention at all.
thank you,Rc

No worries mate.

My antique ( 15 year old ) version of Paint shop pro doesn't have a lot of the effects/options later programmes have as standard. So alas I sometimes have too think how too best achieve an effect.

I've finished another repaint for the Mallard, I will probably upload them tomorrow.


  • 2015_08_02_20_30_39_Greenshot_zpshpnqlfhm.jpg
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Thanks Pete.

That's pretty much as I understood the rules too be, If you take a look at the photos on the TCA page you will notice a lack of National markings in any off the positions called for. Please take a look : and you will see what I mean. I wouldn't like too release an illegal paint scheme :)


Found em! At the tail end of the hull each side below the stripes; prior to 1981 it was legal for marks to be minimum size, ie 2 to 3 inches
high, and placed in a convenient location , take a closer look at the photo showing the aeroplane coming out of water, side on.

After 1981 marks could be kept small until aeroplane repainted or registration changed, then had to be standard size,
take a look at main header picture , marks are in same place, at tail end of hull, but bigger, from which we can deduce that that particular airframe was either repainted, or had registration changed after 1981 eh?


Found em! At the tail end of the hull each side below the stripes; prior to 1981 it was legal for marks to be minimum size, ie 2 to 3 inches
high, and placed in a convenient location , take a closer look at the photo showing the aeroplane coming out of water, side on.

After 1981 marks could be kept small until aeroplane repainted or registration changed, then had to be standard size,
take a look at main header picture , marks are in same place, at tail end of hull, but bigger.



Cheers Pete, had too use a magnifying glass on it but found it. :encouragement:
Cheers Pete, had too use a magnifying glass on it but found it. :encouragement:

So did I.. I would guess the nonstandard location for marks was agreed with local Faa office, as being suitable for aeroplane type, as other photos on same site with different operators would appear to show.

Don't you just love how our American friends can get local variations!

Now all we need is Nigel to whip up Pebbly Beach air terminal to go with the Mallard!



(At work in a UK FAA repair station)
Milton, would it be possible to map the contol arms and yoke to a _T texture? I would like to try and add some gloss to them, like the picture on page 3 of this thread.
Milton, would it be possible to map the contol arms and yoke to a _T texture? I would like to try and add some gloss to them, like the picture on page 3 of this thread.

Can you not simply add some paint light highlights there? That would be the only thing on that texture requiring alpha channel and we have now many textures and paint kits with this texture embedded. Just hate to make that change and impact so much work at this point.

Here is a modified model with just the VC cockpit parts in the interior model.

Model.vctest and aircraft.cfg mod to add it
Thanks Milton. any chance you can remove the external shell of the aircraft, I need too be able too see the panels from underneath.

Thanks Milton. any chance you can remove the external shell of the aircraft, I need too be able too see the panels from underneath.



You can see it best in VC mode. Use cntrl+enter/backspace, shift+enter/backspace, cntr;+shft+backspace/enter to move around.