Thirdwire Sims, anybody?

Wow those are some nice pics!!!:faint: I have SFP1, WoV, and WoE, all combined into the same install along with hundreds of add-ons, I love the sim! The only thing I don't like so much is the lack of realistic flight models on many of the aircraft and the lack of realistic scenery. The add-ons help but are a far cry from the MSFS series.

Thanks for posting those screenshots, what a lovely bird. The model has the correct weapons panel with the 8 switchguards on it. The screenshot below form the O-1 I restored has the 4 drop panel that was not used for 2.75 rockets. Alas the 8 switch panels cannot be located anywhere by restorers.

One more small detail, the fuel valve selector shows a "both tanks" position. The O-1 only had left or right, the both was never on any models. It is standard on civilian models but never the O-1. None the less, someone did a really nice job on this model.

Good grief, that knocks the Combat Ace team into the sidelines! I wondered why it wasn't possible for SF aircraft to reach the level of detail we've seen in (C)FS... The answer is that it is. Fabulous piece of work on somebody's part.

What are your graphics settings? It seems far cleaner than what I'm getting - any special tweaks?
I wondered why it wasn't possible for SF aircraft to reach the level of detail we've seen in (C)FS... The answer is that it is. Fabulous piece of work on somebody's part.

I'll second that! Lack of eye candy was a discouragement to me, but I might get SF2 now. Thanks Greg!
Runs on mine. (P4 2.8C) Unlike CFS, the specs are "real world". I run on the equivalent of sliders 3 to 5, and never a stutter, unless either the sky gets too full, or the effects go overboard.
Frame rates are very good on the TW sims, one of the big things I've liked about it !

Jeez John, I thought you liked the sim because you Brits are taking the whole thing over,lol I mean these Brit crates are everywhere, and they seem to be multiplying! I check out this "Chipmonk" and what do I find, that they've got the whole airfield now! And to top that off, the poor Swede's are flying your "Bulldogs", Oh, the humanity of it all!!:costumes:
I turned shadows off, because the new seasonal package for WoE can hit the FR's pretty good! Not that big of a deal for me, (to have the shadows on) and when you start adding in these new F18's with the high res textures, it starts to add up!:)
ndicki,I was wondering if you use the thirdwire forums...the reason i'm asking is be cause I have a small issue with WOV and tried to join the forums to get an answer.Well,the confermation code(the numbers and letters you need to type in to prove you are not a bot)kept resetting...tried it both ways lower and upper case...still couldnt join...maybe you can help me? Take a look at these two screen shots...this doesnt happen in the game just here....not a bad problem but it bugs can I fix this?
No idea at all! Sorry. It may have to do with the way your monitor is set up, or your card settings - maybe someone else will know.

A good TW forum is at CombatAce. Admittedly, it isn't as pally as it is here - though it has its good moments! - but you'll get the answer right away. Give it a try.