This IS fun!


Charter Member 2016
This is smashing! Am I the only one who has realised what you can do with the fairy lights along the top of the page? Good one, Ickie!

Better not tell the kids...
I accidentally stumbled upon it earlier, then got up looking around the house to find what glass fell and broke!
Next thing you know they'l be asking for contributions to pay for the replacement bulbs:santahat::snowman::snowman::snowman:
I did. Was just going to put an O/T up re: "....oops look what I've just done with the mouse, sorry!" :icon_lol: Pat on the back to Admin, thankyou heaps!!!!:santahat:
Thanks Ickie.

I showed my two grandchildren the bulbs and now I am known as "OLD BUTTERFINGERS!"

Merry Christmas to all the members of SOH and especially the the Adim staff. You have made 2012 an other wonderful year! :santahat:
I am trying to resist the temptation, just the time of this one visit. Trying......... :isadizzy: :pop4: