This thing is an absolute hoot to fly!

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I love this thing so much, I haven't had it on FS9 for a year. So I decided to make a video of a test flight in it, I soon hope to make a review someday soon. But in the mean time Enjoy.

Shows up fine for me in Firefox sir. You should hit Shift-Z one more time and eliminate the text.

It just may become my default airplane in FS9. Christ love flying it. I'll be making a video too (not for review). Come on, let's see some of you other guys make a Cri-Cri video. :d

FWIW, how many of you know that Walt Disney loved the character Cri-Cri the signing cricket so much, he based Jiminy Cricket in Pinocchio on him?

Used to have this aircraft, but got tired of the damn thing bouncing so much on take off's and landings. :banghead:
Cazzie---Oops i feel dumb
Thedude---I might try a config fix for the bouncing, sometimes it bounces when you're doing 2 mph then then progresses to leaps and tips over. But once it's in the aair it's hours of fun.