Today we remember "The Few"

I agree, color comparisons are difficult when using different monitors. I don't have the Dunkirk Spitfire. I have the Hurricane for P3D, and the camo colors look different, and better, to me on that. But with all the differences between P3D and MSFS in rendering, shading, etc., I wouldn't be surprised if you told me you used the same colors, and yet they could still be different as rendered in the two sims. But I'll wait till I have the new plane to decide.

In general, I find it a better use of my time to just fix textures rather than discuss/debate what fixes are needed. Once there's a paint kit, that will be feasible. The one thing I hope that you did was to color the undersides of N3200's fuselage and horizontal stabilizer in the correct Aluminum, rather than some incorrect color such as white or Sky. I haven't got the hang of metallics in MSFS yet, so that would be harder for me to correct.


You have right with this, 100%. These two environments have different lighting and in fact the repaints should be more adapted to what they look like in a particular simulator, not the other way around. The same texture in P3D or MSFS should not be used until after some fixes (the best way I suppose) but colors in general here are not bad! Looks and I'm sure the model and his features are nice however I always wonder who is doing these repaintings and why he does not try to reflect the historical truth of such a well-documented plane. Unfortunately, they are partly fiction, direction of some stencils is incorrect, symbols, placement or colors, and also the wrong font on codes, although I probably belong to the 1% who pay attention to such things. That's why I believe that paint kit from developer is the basis if someone likes a realistic-looking paint job, then he can always do it his own way and finally be satisfied with the model but as we know the paint kit will here too.:wavey:

Edit: About skins of Mk.I-II, I always liked historical approach of the team of IL-2 CoD Blitz (especially if we notice that it is a small group of enthusiasts). They did awsome job here and it could be an benchmark for us according me.

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I am disappointed. I have yet to get this airplane to fly correctly. The first two times the engine would not develop full power then slowly loses all power. I had started once on the runway, with engine running and the second time in the air. After reading the manual and online threads, I determined that the starting on the runway and in the air did not configure the aircraft correctly for flight, because the fuel settings are off. Supposedly, so are the mags, but the engine is running so I don't know if they are really needed.

Now, when I try to set the fuel system, I can't turn the fuel valve, using left click then right click while holding the left button down. In fact sometimes if I click in that area the screen locks the computer and my G2 headset goes black. The only way out is to reboot, because the MSFS screen hides the Task manager screen. This has happed numerous times, most frustrating.

She is parked in hanger awaiting software upgrades. Hopefully one day I will actually get to fly and enjoy the Spitfire.
Now, when I try to set the fuel system, I can't turn the fuel valve, using left click then right click while holding the left button down. In fact sometimes if I click in that area the screen locks the computer and my G2 headset goes black. The only way out is to reboot, because the MSFS screen hides the Task manager screen. This has happed numerous times, most frustrating.

John, this is option in MSFS, few knobs (especially) has this - click on it by left mouse button and next (holding left) click right button. It takes a bit of coordination but it's not bad and its not issue in this model. However, if your screen turns black in VR mode, it's hard for me to tell where the problem is. Maybe you are clicking outside the MSFS screen (or the zoom is behind the element what you see)? Right click in VR its a ZOOM (in VC for gauges), so for example for me it looks like (when I holding left button and click right) gives me next click and zoom in the same time :biggrin-new:, but it's MSFS issue too (double key mapping, although this can also be configured in controlls options I suppose).
Edit: About skins of Mk.I-II, I always liked historical approach of the team of IL-2 CoD Blitz (especially if we notice that it is a small group of enthusiasts). They did awsome job here and it could be an benchmark for us according me.

I very much agree with you here. There are some very good skins for COD Blitz, even some of the older ones are a little low in resolution these days. I am a fan of that game generally, and would say that it currently provides the best Spitfire I/II experience available in any sim, considering appearance, cockpit, flight handling, and systems depth. It is not the best Spit out there on ALL of these, but it is the best balance overall - and that's just as a simulator, not even counting that you get to shoot stuff. If the new AH Spitfire is just as good as that, but in the MSFS environment, it will be a winner.

John, this is option in MSFS, few knobs (especially) has this - click on it by left mouse button and next (holding left) click right button. It takes a bit of coordination but it's not bad and its not issue in this model. However, if your screen turns black in VR mode, it's hard for me to tell where the problem is. Maybe you are clicking outside the MSFS screen (or the zoom is behind the element what you see)? Right click in VR its a ZOOM (in VC for gauges), so for example for me it looks like (when I holding left button and click right) gives me next click and zoom in the same time :biggrin-new:, but it's MSFS issue too (double key mapping, although this can also be configured in controlls options I suppose).

Hi YoYo, I am left clicking, holding, and right clicking. It worked the first time I tried, but the sim froze. The next time, it didn't work??? The sim is locking up, so I don't think it is clicking outside and losing screen focus. I "think", but I have slept at least twice since, this has happened on one other aircraft? So, it could be something on my end?
Hi YoYo, I am left clicking, holding, and right clicking. It worked the first time I tried, but the sim froze. The next time, it didn't work??? The sim is locking up, so I don't think it is clicking outside and losing screen focus. I "think", but I have slept at least twice since, this has happened on one other aircraft? So, it could be something on my end?

John, I cant explain this here, I can guess because I don't have this Spitfire, but that's how they work in the other planes or on G1000. Try for example default G1000 in any module (the first bigger, top knob for change active to active freq, COM or NAV). Here it works for me as described and nothing crashes.
The fuel pressure control is designed for right click to go right and left click to go left. Right click once to carb position, check fuel pressure and then right click again for engine. John try a Cold Dark start by pulling on the first of the two flare handles. Or pull the second rear flare handle for quick-start setup. That will switch on all necessary switches. You MUST have both tank levers up and the magneto start switch on before starting.:engel016:
The fuel pressure control is designed for right click to go right and left click to go left. Right click once to carb position, check fuel pressure and then right click again for engine. John try a Cold Dark start by pulling on the first of the two flare handles. Or pull the second rear flare handle for quick-start setup. That will switch on all necessary switches. You MUST have both tank levers up and the magneto start switch on before starting.:engel016:

I did everything listed above including clicking battery cart switch. Upon pressing the starter switch the engine turned but did not start. I then restarted the sim and used the CTRL-C, after pulling the ready for start handle, the engine started but after about 2-3 minutes it shut down on its own. I will try again later today.
Well, I give up! The GD airplane will not start for me. I have read the manual and watched YouTube starting videos. The cart doesn't show up when I flip the little switch on the right side. I show fuel in the fuel menu, but the when I push the buttons, the two fuel gauges read zero. Before anyone asks, yes, the two fuel handles are up.

I am frustrated to the point of thinking of just quitting MSFS. I am too old to be constantly troubleshooting. This is as bad as P3D. The GD program should just work. Isn't this Xbox? You boot up and the game loads and runs.

I know this isn't Airplane Heaven fault, I see too many people enjoying flying the Spitfire. It's something with my system, but right now I do not have the energy to figure it out. I have other things I can do that don't make me want to throw my G2 headset. I am going to the O-Club.
John, there might be a couple ofthings you can check. Firstly, go to the OPTIONS menu of the sim. Now, check the setting for MOUSE. It should be LEGACY. There are two major settings in that field. One, LEGACY, is for conventional mouse the other for other types of inputs like sticks and yokes but not many use those for selecting and clicking things. You might have it set on the other input. The second thing is ensure that the FLIGHT MODEL setting is MODERN. You may have it set to LEGACY which won't work with the Spitfire and is intended for use with portovers using legacy code. Finally, please contact us over problems, we may be able to help you better.
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It's September 15th in Australia so what better day...available at our site and other vendors as soon as they are ready.

And here's a small video from Steve Walton. Steve has been testing the new Spitfire controls from Authentikit, with the Spitfire Mk1A. We are delighted to have been working with Phil at Authentikit on these fantastic kits.

Mod Edit: Purchase page -

Good video What airport do you take off from?

Not my video but I believe the airfield in question is Popham in the UK. Personally, when testing the Spitfire I fly out of Duxford and go to Biggin Hill. Many fields were positioned near the South coast of England during the Battle of Britain so take your pick (so long s it has a grass runway:encouragement:)

This video has an interesting flight over the Battle of Britain Memorial on the South Coast, flying out of Headcorn.