Ahh! Ok!
And i see even with good ol' Tom at the controls, unlike Captain Kilmer (must've had other things to do..)
1. Will it be on any streaming services, you think ?
Just saw Tom Hanks' 'Greyhound' on AppleTV. 2. I was mainly interested in the CGI which turned out unbelievable ! (each shot only 3 seconds or so, they need to work on that...;-) There is no commonality between the CGI sea scenes and what's going on on the bridge of the ship. They need to work on that too. (build the whole bridge on a movable platform like they did with "Das Boot" ). Seeing the CGI sea sequenes on a huge movietheater screen would be awesome but that's not going to happen so it seems.
1. Not for a while. It is making fist full of money on the silver screen.
2. Then you will like this movie, although, you will not know they are CGI. SPOILER ALERT There are flying sceens of a F-14. That was actually a F-18 that CGI turned into a F-14.