TOW Pt I 1940-42 is coming!

Stirling taking off from Oakington for Hamburg

A fully loaded Strling with a gross weight of 70K plus, as NachtPiloted says " it would be a cow in the air and take a bunch of runway to get up'.:wiggle: The bomb loads, and fuel loads for CFS3 models need some work, which we may find time for; in the future.

Meanwhile this Stirling fully laden, needed the whole runway, flaps. and intermittent WEP use to wallow into the air. Any real trim was impossible until a reasonable speed of over 150 mph was achieved!
After reading the must read all I can say is you and the others involved have put a lot of work into this and should be congratulated upon its release.

Cant wait

Excited ! A wonderful contribution to the whole CFS3 community ! Will need to spend some time getting my head around this new and exciting expansion. Thanks to all involved . Regards, Scott
3-4 March 1942 BC to Renault factory 9 Sqd Wellington.xml Middlebrook 'Bomber Command War Diaries' p244-45

<Overview>This is a low level attack. So setting up trim in essential! NAVIGATION: After take off from RAF Honington, and from wp2, feel free to warp to wp6 and your final low level run into the Renault factory at Boulogne-Billancourt at wp7. It’s essential that to avoid French civilian casualties that you are as accurate as possible; hence the low level attack. After bombing and from wp8, feel free to warp to wp11 where you will turn to your final approach at 34° and wp12. The the final approach to Honington is
at 20°.</Overview>
<Intelligence>It is known that the Renault factory at Boulogne-Billancourt produced around 18,000 lorries a year fro the Germans.The aim of this 3 wave is to disrupt the production with the minimum of casulaties to the French civilianss in the area,hence the low levvel attack. The first wave of experienced pilots, including your crew, is to carry plenty of marking flares for the following aircrfat. No flak defences are expected.</Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>Great job! production will definitely bee disrupted, but 'collateral damage", as of now, is unknown.</SuccessMessage>
We had all these

James and I decided many moons ago we had all these TOW planes on both sides (thanks to all the modelers out there) why not give it a go. Recently Stephen made a workable radar Lorenz, and Gee and other nav stuff, so after several years of fits and starts we are ready to release. We made new planes, revised the airfiles, loadouts, xdp files, made radar, search areas, lighted literally hundreds of airfields, added new global layer with all of these, plus missions, and well we have done so much I have probably forgot. I know that I have been making radar facilities since I was a pup, made the searchlight batteries for the Himmel Bett, AA batteries, all TOW stuff, and until James came along all of these were just sitting on my installs doing nothing. James has tirelessly made many many missions, researched a bunch too ( I think he and I could earn a PhD in the TOW effort). In short, my hats off to James for his inspiration, nagging, and partnership in this - tks James!!!! :very_drunk:
Not saying this as part of a mutual adoration society :biggrin-new:, but the truth is that without Ted's work especially, and the huge upgrade in simulation that Stephan Seybolt's app produces, nothing would have happened, as I am incapable of doing any of the modeling that they and associates have done. As in Clive's BoB, I just do the easy bits!:wiggle:

Just some final tidying up to do, plus, why not a couple of more missions!:adoration:
28-29 March 1942 BC to Lubeck 7 Sqd Stirlings
<Overview>NAVIGATION: After take off from RAF Oakington, and from wp2, feel free to warp to wp6 and your final run into Lubeck and the target at wp7. After bombing and from wp8, feel free to warp to wp13 where you will turn to your final approach at 321° and wp14. The the final approach to Oakington is at 49°.</Overview>
<Intelligence>This raid on Psalm Sunday was the first major success for Bomber Command and its new policy of 'Area bombing' and trying to cause as much damage to cities as possible. At least 30% of the old Hanseatic port of Lubeck's built up are was destroyed.</Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>Good job old boy! Got some nice fires going there.</SuccessMessage>
<FailureMessage>Given the good weather, it should have been easy, but I guess we wuill never know as you are posted as missing.</FailureMessage>

28-29 March 1942 6NJG2 Becker vs Stirling 7 Sqdn

<Overview>NAVIGATION: After take off from Fliergerhorst Gilze-Rijen and from wp 2. feel free to warp to wp 5, when you should turn in your GCI (Shift + R), and await instructions for intercepting a kurier. Upon receive instructions for interception, also toggle on your Fug202 (Alt + R). After contact and combat, toggle off the GCI and radar, and you may warp from wp7 to 10 Nm. from wp9 where you should toggle on ILS (Shift + I) in order to hear the Lorenz ILS beam just before wp 9. where you will turn to 82° and wp10. There you should be in the center of the beam and bear 99° for final approach to Gilze-Rijen.</Overview>
<Intelligence>he british seem to be coming to somewhere up here in the North. get up and try and intercept them before they can drop their bombs.</Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>Congratulations on another abschuss; A 'viermot' Stirling I believe?</SuccessMessage>
<FailureMessage>We would expect better from you!</FailureMessage>

Even though I had made this a 'scarecrow' Stirling, it seemed to refuse to go down. We'll have to think about damage effects I suppose.
"As in Clive's BoB, I just do the easy bits!"

Cheeky beggar! Dozens of airfields, building models, scenery tiles etc.Gawd knows how many thousands of hours! 😁
"As in Clive's BoB, I just do the easy bits!"

Cheeky beggar! Dozens of airfields, building models, scenery tiles etc.Gawd knows how many thousands of hours! 

I was referring to my odd mission or two on the update. Not all your work Clive!:biggrin-new:
Havoc Turbinlite training mission. Lighting up a bomber for an accompanying Hur_IIC_LK-A_NF to attack!

"Havoc Turbinlite training mission. Lighting up a bomber for an accompanying Hur_IIC_LK-A_NF to attack!"

That's impressive James! Did the Hurricane do it's job?
Schnaufer taking off for his 1st 3 abschussen in 1 night

31Jul-1 Aug 1942 Schnaufer vs BC various.xml

Using a non radar dr_bf110e_g1 as my info is that he only used GCI control for this night.

<Overview>NAVIGATION: After take off from Fliegerhorst St. Trond, and from wp2, you may warp to wp6, and then toggle on your GCI (Shift + R). You should be directed to a possible incoming bomber in the Raum 6 area. After dealing with this ‘Terror Flyer’, you have no time to loose as you are dircted North Warp from wp7 to 10Nm. from wp8 where GCI should direct you towards another kurier. After you have shot him down, head South from wp9; you may warp to 10Nm. from wp10 where GCI should put you on to a returning kurier from a raid we now know was on Dusseldorf. After combat, toggle off the GCI and you may warp to wp12 where you should turn on you Lorenz receiver (Shift + I). You should pick up the signal just before wp13, where you will turn to 247° for wp 14 and the approach path to St. Trond at 243°.</Overview>
<Intelligence>We know a big raid is planned from all the radio signals picked up earler. Also expect all fliegherhorsten to be harassed by intruders. get up and start at Raum 6 working with GCI. there should be some good trade.</Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>Fantasic succes with 3 abschussen. May you go on to many more.</SuccessMessage>

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