TOW Pt I 1940-42 is coming! (development thread)
31Jul-1 Aug 1942 Streib vs BC Intruder 18 Sqdn.xml
<Overview>NAVIGATION: You need to get up quickly as there are intruders about and one is headed here. Contact GCI as soon as you are up (Toggle Shift + R). The restis up to you as the intruder is more or less on top of the fliegerhorst. After combat, follow in to wp10 for approach to Venlo at 123°. No need for ILS as a clear night.
<Intelligence>We know there is a parge BC raid in progress so there are also liklely to be intruders harassing our bases.</Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>That was a quick reaction to get that intruder.</SuccessMessage>
31Jul-1 Aug 1942 Streib vs BC Intruder 18 Sqdn.xml
<Overview>NAVIGATION: You need to get up quickly as there are intruders about and one is headed here. Contact GCI as soon as you are up (Toggle Shift + R). The restis up to you as the intruder is more or less on top of the fliegerhorst. After combat, follow in to wp10 for approach to Venlo at 123°. No need for ILS as a clear night.
<Intelligence>We know there is a parge BC raid in progress so there are also liklely to be intruders harassing our bases.</Intelligence>
<SuccessMessage>That was a quick reaction to get that intruder.</SuccessMessage>