Tufun's hard work and new metallic textured for maam's b-25

Thanks Nigel! Always nice to spruce up an aircraft that one enjoys.

Was looking at a bunch of pics and a few walkaround sets... so... did a rivet job on the panels between the cockpit and wing. It turned out well, so I've plan on doing the rest of the model.

Interesting to is that the B-25 forward part of the fuselage has flat rivets and the after part has button type rivets. I've put a set of rivets under the wing where the button rivets starts.



I wasn't planning on going this far, but hey It's me...


It's really interesting how the Mitchell was put together... forward half flush rivets, aft area round rivets as seen in this pic.


Just some line and few rivets for aliment checks.


I did the gun nose with splotches, then smoothing to remove the sharp edges. I like the original fuse metal so just smooth some areas so as not to be so harsh, plus removed the cloning in some areas. Then added the panel lines and rivets. Time consuming project, but it will be worth it!

Difference between the original and reworked fuses. On the original (right side) I've added the hatch. The side gun pod is located differently so little different the rivet pattern is required.
