Tufun's hard work and new metallic textured for maam's b-25


I see that TUFUN has again applied himself to giving some of the old classics a new set of clothes. His production for FSX is excellent. Would love to apply them in FS9. Normally I can run DDS texts thro the DTXBmp thingy, re-sizing, flipping and generally screwing up as normal. What worries me about TUFUN's textures is that they are specifically metallic ie there is certainly an Alpha channel in each one. Having tried in the past to back engineer metallic textures for Manfred's C-47s I know that I have not got it right.

Anyone converted TUFUN'S metallic textures to FS9 compatibility?

I see that TUFUN has again applied himself to giving some of the old classics a new set of clothes. His production for FSX is excellent. Would love to apply them in FS9. Normally I can run DDS texts thro the DTXBmp thingy, re-sizing, flipping and generally screwing up as normal. What worries me about TUFUN's textures is that they are specifically metallic ie there is certainly an Alpha channel in each one. Having tried in the past to back engineer metallic textures for Manfred's C-47s I know that I have not got it right.

Anyone converted TUFUN'S metallic textures to FS9 compatibility?


The MAAM B-25 I use is a FSX port-over, so I believe the repaint should work on the FS9 version. The textures are 1024 resolution, 32 bit bmp files with alpha's. Reworked the original skins, removing all decals and added realistic fuel caps.

You may want to download this file called envmap.bmp from Voodoo's Hangar. It tames the shinny reflections a bit.

Pics depicts how it looks in my sim at daybreak and Shade program, so the skin looks darker than it will normally looks. Also, using the envmap.bmp file.

Link: http://voodoo.wikispaces.com/Environment+Map

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Tufun's metallic textures

Many thanks for your quick reply Tufun. Had not realised that you already had them in 1024 32 bit format. Will take your advice regarding the over bright metallic appearance in some circs.

Really like your approach to skins.

Many thanks for your quick reply Tufun. Had not realised that you already had them in 1024 32 bit format. Will take your advice regarding the over bright metallic appearance in some circs.

Really like your approach to skins.


Using DXTBmp, you can create new alpha's by selecting "create new alpha channel", which will be white, and then Save as/Extend Bitmap/Save as type:/Extend 32 bit 888-8, then save. This will remove the shinny alpha's.
That's some seriously mean looking metal, TuFun.


Credit goes to the original photo-real metal by the MAAM team. I just enhanced (reworked) what was there to create a basic bare metal repaint for those who want to create there own repaints.

Even thou it's dated, it still an impressive model. If it works in P3Dv2.1, I will fly it there too! I tried to make the Howard 500 N137U metal like that.

Stripped of alpha's...

Credit goes to the original photo-real metal by the MAAM team. I just enhanced (reworked) what was there to create a basic bare metal repaint for those who want to create there own repaints.

Even thou it's dated, it still an impressive model. If it works in P3Dv2.1, I will fly it there too! I tried to make the Howard 500 N137U metal like that.

Stripped of alpha's...


Nevertheless, it is exactly this urge to rework, make better, improve, that ultimately drives us forward to great things.

For my money, you made an awesome job on the Howard.

And each subsequent project will achieve new goals, new methods, technique.
We're all on a constant learning curve - just when we think we've cracked it, another challenge appears.

Power to your elbow my friend.
Thanks Nigel. I'm always fiddling! :biggrin-new:

Well I was fiddling with the envmap.bmp file, and created one for my liking. Never liked the look of those wired angled line in shinny skins.

Example in this shot of those odd angles on the tail, and with the envamp.bmp file on the bottom. It dulls somewhat, but I think that could be corrected with darker alpha's.

Nevertheless, it is exactly this urge to rework, make better, improve, that ultimately drives us forward to great things.

For my money, you made an awesome job on the Howard.

And each subsequent project will achieve new goals, new methods, technique.
We're all on a constant learning curve - just when we think we've cracked it, another challenge appears.

Power to your elbow my friend.

Hear! Hear!:applause::applause:
Thanks Nigel. I'm always fiddling! :biggrin-new:

Well I was fiddling with the envmap.bmp file, and created one for my liking. Never liked the look of those wired angled line in shinny skins.

Example in this shot of those odd angles on the tail, and with the envamp.bmp file on the bottom. It dulls somewhat, but I think that could be corrected with darker alpha's.


"I cannot fiddle, but can build a great city"

You're looking good there TuFun - yes, a darker alpha would probably do the trick.
Very beautiful work indeed, here. Just Great!... But, and more for a polished skin, the aspect depends so a lot on the envmap file and on its distributions of colors, their intensity, and of course on the hour of the day, because the envmap file works only with the light source and its position: the sun.

One more thing... it is fascinating to make tests with envmap, it is very interesting. The envmap file original of FS2004 works enough with the surrounding supposed reflections, but maybe less with the true light source.

Logically the envmap file is dark rather below and rather clearly at the top. All the subtlety is in this distribution of these two opposed parts and a correct contrast. And there, the tests are fascinating!

Very beautiful work indeed, here. Just Great!... But, and more for a polished skin, the aspect depends so a lot on the envmap file and on its distributions of colors, their intensity, and of course on the hour of the day, because the envmap file works only with the light source and its position: the sun.

One more thing... it is fascinating to make tests with envmap, it is very interesting. The envmap file original of FS2004 works enough with the surrounding supposed reflections, but maybe less with the true light source.

Logically the envmap file is dark rather below and rather clearly at the top. All the subtlety is in this distribution of these two opposed parts and a correct contrast. And there, the tests are fascinating!


I'm finding that true. As in these pics, showing light source (sun) appears less shinny as oppose to the opposite side (shinny). It's probably not a good test since FSX is modeling the effect maybe differently.

If you guys noticed... gunship! Same textures for FS9/FSX.



Thanks TuFun for these great Metal textures.

Looking great with a few blobs of colour splashed on!

Would you mind sharing your homemade env file, I really like those soft reflections!?
I'm still trying to create a smoother transition between the nose and fuselage textures, but it seems to be a modelling issue rather than textures.
It also affects other paints - even the defaults.
Once again thank you, fantastic work!

Regards, Stuart

P.S. I have toned the alphas down, they are not as bright as appearing in the picture.

68 resized.jpg
Thanks TuFun for these great Metal textures.

Looking great with a few blobs of colour splashed on!

Would you mind sharing your homemade env file, I really like those soft reflections!?
I'm still trying to create a smoother transition between the nose and fuselage textures, but it seems to be a modelling issue rather than textures.
It also affects other paints - even the defaults.
Once again thank you, fantastic work!

Regards, Stuart

P.S. I have toned the alphas down, they are not as bright as appearing in the picture.

That looks great! I noticed there are difference in how FSX and FS9 display alpha's. That's why I released it as FSX repaint. Also, I tried to blend the nose with the fuse with no luck either.

I've been working on a new nose for the gun ship. I need to add the curve doors edge on top front and some lines on the doors. Also, changed one side so that it doesn't have that copied look. Dots reflect some of the changes, but more subtle stuff was done.


There was this odd spot on the wings, so I just blended that area (red arrow).

As for the alphas in fs9, the textures need to be at least 50% brighter and a bit more contrast than in fsx for realistic reflections.
Otherwise you could use the plane as a make-up mirror.
When adding repaints you have to create new alphas anyway, so it doesn't really matter.
I admire you for your attention to detail - this is great work! The advances would fall under the radar, if I didn't have the insight and follow the progress.

With all those pretty FSX aircraft out there, I tend to like the classics more. I really didn't get serious about painting until the Howard. Wasn't sure if I could do anything paint wise and wasn't sure Paint.net could do what I envision. I like detail and if I can add them I will. :encouragement:
Thought I would show some work on the gunship version for those who fly the FS9 version. Textures are 1024, 32 bit. Also, new radials!



Update: Nose done.

Moving to other areas such as the window frames, gun blisters... much more to look and see. :onthego:


Stuartcox, TuFun; love what you're both doing with this aircraft.

Stuart; excellent use of UNSATURATED colours on the markings - beautifully toned down.

I've seen so many otherwise excellent textures ruined by block colour - it just doesn't happen in nature.

TuFun; your persistence in chasing an objective is really paying off.
