Merci beaucoup pour toutes ces magnifiques livrées, l'iguane.

Thank you very much for all these wonderful repaints, l'iguane.

Thank you very much for all these wonderful repaints, l'iguane.

Will it be compatible with FSX/P3D
What I would really like is a Shark Mouth skin to go on the Simshed model, even if that is a different type Tucano and they would be fictious. Like this Indonesian or Afghan ones:
Or even better the classic Brazilian ones:
You are right of course, but I don't use FSX and the Simshed model has the better VC for FS9. I have all the UKMil repaints, too!
Cheers, Sascha
Excellent work on theses, as always! Thank you for rejuvenating so many old favoruites!