Turn up your speakers

Awesome, Baz! I've flown in a DC-3 (actually the sole C-41) and that sounds right to me. I've seen the one based at Paine Field much more recently, and the audio's legit right on!

Also, it passes the "sounds different when you open the window" test, so that means the "experts" on the official forum will approve. :)
These sounds were custom recorded from a real DC-3, inside and out. In my opinion, I believe they've done a great job.:engel016:
Being an old timer, I have flown is several DC-3's over the years. Exactly as I remember the sound. Great work. What a fantastic addition to MSFS.
These sounds were custom recorded from a real DC-3, inside and out. In my opinion, I believe they've done a great job.:engel016:

& am I correct in suggesting that quite a bit of a DC-3 soundscape comes from the prop tips?
Also, it passes the "sounds different when you open the window" test, so that means the "experts" on the official forum will approve. :)

Do you really have to be an "expert" to know that sounds get louder when you open windows though? :playful:
Do you really have to be an "expert" to know that sounds get louder when you open windows though? :playful:

I'm being sarcastic. There are a bunch of vocal users who immediately denounce the audio on any MSFS plane if they open the canopy/cockpit door and the sound doesn't change, no matter how good the audio is otherwise.

It's their test for if it uses WWise and lets them feel like experts.

Don't even get me started on that crowd, or we'll have to go into the Texture Mafia discussion too. :)
That's frickin awesome, Bazz ! Well done !! :D (superb details there on the captain's side as well ! )

( errmmm...... that start-up sound..... that's missing because you're still working on it because it's utterly important, right ?.. :) )
Don't worry about the startup Jan. The entire suite was recorded on a real aeroplane from the moment the hydraulic hand pump goes up on its first stroke to engine shutdown. It's as real as it gets.

I had my first flight as a 12 year old on a Cambrian Airways DC-3. It's something I will never forget.
Holy hell Baz - that's some good stuff! I'm running a 39" TV for a monitor, including its speakers, so that sounded dang good on my end!
Sounds great, looks very good too. Being a systems and startup nut, I'll have to take a look at the feature list in that regard but my interest is definitely there!
Dang! So apparently it is not impossible, after all, to build a really spot on awesome sound set for planes in this sim! Can't wait for the release!
Don't worry about the startup Jan. The entire suite was recorded on a real aeroplane from the moment the hydraulic hand pump goes up on its first stroke to engine shutdown. It's as real as it gets.

I'm sure it is ! :cool:

I had my first flight as a 12 year old on a Cambrian Airways DC-3. It's something I will never forget.

Tell me about it, Bazz. One small anecdote if i may (i have quite a few more when it comes to the DC-3) : i was in a band in the 70's and we did a Dutch Antilles and Surinam tour. In a DC-3 ! Yessir, and the good thing on top of that was that the copilot was just not around a few times. While the old Lady scared the hell out of most other members of the band, yours truly was offered to take on the job of the missing copilot. Well, just lowering and raising flaps and gear on his command, but still.. Saying that this was the time of my life is an understatement, naturally. ;)
Dang! So apparently it is not impossible, after all, to build a really spot on awesome sound set for planes in this sim! Can't wait for the release!

No, not impossible, just, shall we say, not cheap. But then, having heard the whole suite and worked with this audio engineer, I am now totally convinced you get what you pay for.:engel016: