Twin Engine / Twin Boom / Prop Driven Round-up


Charter Member 2015
What can you recommend for other members?

A few guidelines; Freeware preferred / Payware considered

1] Radial or Inline
2] Dual Engine
3] Dual Rudder
4] Two Tailbooms

5] Who made it
6]Where might we find it
Hi OleBoy

From the top of my head
Nord Noratlas
C-119 of course
Cessna 337 (push pull)
Armstrong Whitworth AW 650 Argosy (Oooops, disregard, the argosy had 4 engines) :banghead::banghead::isadizzy:

No idea about links but I am dead sure the Noratlas is freeware and I have no doubt that you know about the 119 and the 82, discussed not so long ago in the forum as fot the Cessna, I think that M. Stone made one and there is another payware.

I've got the FSD Cessna 337 and can't say enough good about it. I even flew it in the modern class during the London to Melbourne race. I've got the CD-ROM version so there's no problems with re-installs. I've also got Mike Stone's freeware 337, but it doesn't have a VC. However nice panels for it can be found at the usual places. But while good, Mike's don't hold a candle to the FSD 337.

Another aircraft that fits the description is David Copely's (dcc) P-38s. He is the P-38 master. And they're free!
Hi OleBoy

From the top of my head
Nord Noratlas
C-119 of course
Cessna 337 (push pull)
Armstrong Whitworth AW 650 Argosy (Oooops, disregard, the argosy had 4 engines) :banghead::banghead::isadizzy:

No idea about links but I am dead sure the Noratlas is freeware and I have no doubt that you know about the 119 and the 82, discussed not so long ago in the forum as fot the Cessna, I think that M. Stone made one and there is another payware.


Yep, the Noratlas is freeware, author was Jean-François Martin; definitely available at Flightsim. Oodles of repaints, also worth looking out for a panel/upgrade from the incomparable Benoit Gaurant.
FSD 0-2A Payware

David Copley's P-38 series - Freeware

SkyUnlimited P-38 Payware

NOT SHOWN is the Aeroplane Heaven P-38 payware and Ito's P-61B Black Widow freeware...

..and I got a couple twin boom jets, if you're interested.


at simviation, flies fine in my FS2004

CFS2 Focke-Wulf FW 189 Uhu (Updated version). (Category: CFS2 > Aircraft)
6.37Mb (2051 downloads)
CFS2 Focke-Wulf FW 189 Uhu (Updated version). Called the "Flying Eye" of the German army, the Fw 189 succeeded on the Eastern Front beyond the most optimistic predictions. Its superb handling and agility made it a very difficult and elusive target for enemy fighters. Its phenomenal toughness was demonstrated by Fw 189s returning to bases safely with one tail shot or torn off by Soviet ramming attacks. Credits: The model is made by William Dickens The airfile and dp are by Christian Nölte The Textures by Christian Nölte New Panel by Joachim Schmidt Engines,Crew Figures: Dave Eckert. By: William Dickens. 6.5MB

also these come to mind

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FS2002/FS2004 Fokker G-1 Mercury[/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif] This aircraft is the one developed for hunting in the Netherlands. It was used as a light bomber afterwards. Two kinds of paint example(Netherland and Germany) are included. by Kazunori Ito. 2.7MB[/FONT]

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FS2004/2002 Fokker G-1 mod (updated). [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Modification for Kazunori Ito s beautiful Fokker G-1. (available here)Fokker-logo added and flight- dynamics adjusted Original by Kazunori Ito Modification by Sander Nobbe. 234K[/FONT]

FS2004/2002 Northrop P-61B Black Widow.
2.93Mb (4841 downloads)
FS2004/2002 Northrop P-61B Black Widow. This is a twin-engine two- to three place night fighter. It was designed as a cantilever monoplane with a central fuselage pod, engine nacells blended into the double booms carrying the double-fin empennage. It had a retractable tri-cycle undercarriage was equipped with the radar gear and gun and rocket armament. Two kinds of paint examples(Black / Green) are included. by Kazunori Ito. 3MB
at Flightsim

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 Savoia Marchetti SM91 And SM92
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 10,593,342 Date: 10-24-2010 Downloads: 584
FS2004 Savoia Marchetti SM91 And SM92 two seat long-range escort fighter interceptor and fighter bombers. The Italian answer to the de Havilland Mosquito. First flight 1942/43. SM 91 had crew in a central fuselage nacelle, SM 92 in the port fuselage boom; both remained as prototype for the war next to the end. Even if they had the same engines, they were different in performance. Model, texture, panel by F. Giuli. Gauges from different authors.[/SIZE]

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Modern Military FS2004 North American Rockwell OV-10D Bronco
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 5,140,521 Date: 04-15-2007 Downloads: 3,638
FS2004 North American Rockwell OV-10D Bronco. All new FS2004 model of the OV-10D twin turboprop FAC/COIN aircraft, designed in the late 1960's for the USAF, and also USMC and Navy. Readily recognizable by its large canopy, twin tailbooms with high set tailplanes, and angled sponsons able to carry a range of ordnance. Also used at timess by Morocco, Thailand, Columbia, Indonesia, Venezuela, and the Philippines. This all new model has full animations, including spoiler plates, cargo hatch, slotted flaps, canopy doors and steps, rotating FLIR turret,and VC. Will work with or without earlier Bronco releases. By Tim Conrad.
and for someting really way out at

Sukhoi Su-80 | Rating: 4.1! FS2004 Aircrafts

- Screenshot 1New development of Sukhoi Su-80

Translation from Russian by

» Filename:
» Size: 1 162kb
» Date: 9 months ago (09.04.2010 21:27 MSK)
» Author: Robert Verluys
» Uploaded by: makhotaroman (uploaded 5 files)
» Approved by moderator: Lenya69
» License: License file included in archive
» Downloaded: 1739 time(s)
back at Flightsim

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Early Aircraft FS2004 Pan Am Sikorsky S-38
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 2,980,625 Date: 08-13-2004 Downloads: 3,323
[SIZE=-1] FS2004 Pan Am Sikorsky S-38 twin-engined amphibian, registration NC-144M. One of 38 S-38s operated by Pan American or its subsidiaries. S-38s flew the Caribbean routes from Miami to Cuba, Haiti, Santo Domingo, Puerto Rico, and Central America. FS2004 model with reflective textures, animated gear and cabin/cargo hatches. Optional engine cowlings with F8 key. Landing lights and extra radio gear included. Magneto/starters work in VC. Panel includes XML gauges adapted from Vega and DC-3 defaults. Includes list of some Caribbean destinations, with NDB frequencies. Includes 1930-31 Pan Am route maps from Bjorn Larsson's collection. By George Diemer.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]probably more out there but all I can think of right now[/SIZE]
This topic has really taken off. Looking good so far. I am in hopes these are tried and true test subjects?
Slept on it and came up with these, I have not included the Bf-109Z and all the Luft 46 might have beens and other fantasy aircraft on the simple basis that they didn't really exist

Technically this meets your criteria at flightsim

FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002/FS2004 North American F-82G
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 2,278,211 Date: 11-03-2006 Downloads: 1,455
FS2002/FS2004 North American F-82G Twin Mustang. A standard long-range, high-altitude escort fighter for the U.S. Air Force. It was the climactic development of a long series of the famous World War II P-51 Mustang. The F-82G was made from the F-82C that remodeled the P-82B as a night fighter. It featured a radar mounted at the front of the central wing for nighttime use. Moreover, it had an all-weather performance. Small fix version model of P-82B (P82B_754.ZIP) is also included. By Kazunori Ito.[/SIZE]

FS2002 - FS2002 Aircraft FS2002/FS2004 North American P-82B
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 1,764,613 Date: 11-01-2006 Downloads: 2,616
FS2002/FS2004 North American P-82B Twin Mustang. The P-82 was standard long-range, high-altitude escort fighter for the U.S. Air Force. It was the climactic development of a long series of the famous World War II P-51 Mustang series. The P-82B was one of the hottest piston-engined fighters of the war. These P-82Bs were basically similar to the XP-82, but differed in having provisions for underwing racks capable of carrying four 1000-pound bombs, two 2000-pound bombs, or 25 5-inch rockets. A central pod carrying eight additional 0.50-inch machine guns could also be fitted. By Kazunori Ito.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]and now some more exotic stuff[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1]at Avsim[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-1][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - Original Aircraft[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Rutan Voyager [/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:[/FONT]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Rutan Voyager for FS2k4. Original file from Alan Kaiser at All files included, features VC. see readme for more info. [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif][/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware, limited distribution[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]24th September 2003[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]6020[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Alan Kaiser[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]1417kb[/FONT]

and two more Rutan exotics from SurClaro

Fs2004 Adam A500


Fs2004 Adam A500. An Fsds2 Aircraft With Moving Parts, Including Counter-rotating Props. Includes A Custom Panel, Custom Gauges, A Dynamic Virtual Cockpit And Reflective Textures. Design & Panel By Chuck Dome. Textures repaint In Blue & White, With Authentic Registration, By Alex Kennedy

Filesize: 1.29 MB
Added on: 27-Oct-2003
Downloads: 1653
Total Votes:: 1
Overall Rating: 7.00
Category: FS2004 Propeller Aircraft

ZipDig | Contents | Share

FS2004 Rutan Boomerang


FS2004 Rutan Boomerang. by Adrian Esdaile

Filesize: 6.78 MB
Added on: 09-Jan-2005
Downloads: 967
Total Votes:: 0
Overall Rating: 0
Category: FS2004 Propeller Aircraft

I'm slowly picking them off

I just got done with a few flights in the David C Copley array of P-38's and, WOW, what a difference v2.4 and v4.0 are to the one I had (v2.0) Mr.Copley did a great job all the way around on them. I was surprised to see that he's been interested in the P-38's for quite a long time, and perfecting them more and more as time allows. Man they're sure nice :ernae:

Thank You David for bringing us this great freeware :salute:

Yer hittin it hard norab..thanks!! I trial them out more in the morning. Back to bed for this
at simviation

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]FS2004/2002 Gotha Go244. [/FONT][FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Glider Go242 for the invasion will obtain the authorization of a German Air Ministry because it had the load capacity three times transportation glider DFS230 that German army was using till then and start the mass production type development. And, the airframe to which this machine also had had power was developed as well as other gliders for the invasion. Because obtaining a large amount of Gnome Rhone 14M engines after France surrenders just became possible, this was installed and Go244 that had a fixed undercarriage was developed. All these gliders with power were redecorating from powerless type Go242B. by Kazunori Ito. 2.6MB[/FONT]

thats about all I can think of. I'm sure other will know of more
I'm slowly picking them off

I just got done with a few flights in the David C Copley array of P-38's and, WOW, what a difference v2.4 and v4.0 are to the one I had (v2.0) Mr.Copley did a great job all the way around on them. I was surprised to see that he's been interested in the P-38's for quite a long time, and perfecting them more and more as time allows. Man they're sure nice :ernae:

Where did you find a v4.0? I only manage to turn up v2.2s.

Where did you find a v4.0? I only manage to turn up v2.2s.


Hi Sascha,
I just downloaded one from here:


FS2004 Lockheed XP-38N, v4.0. A fictitious variant of Lockheed's famous P-38 Lightning; the author's vision of what the next Lightning might have been. Major model update -- every aspect of the model has been updated since the previous version. This next-gen Lightning is powered by RR Griffon engines turning high-activity paddle propellers for high speed and high altitude performance. Includes gauges by Mike Wagner, Chuck Dome, and Eugene Heyart. Texture assistance from Dan Swart. Complete package, including custom sounds made from actual recordings of a Griffon-powered Spitfire and a P-38. Recorded and mixed by the author. Two texture sets: black with D-Day stripes plus shark mouths, and bare metal. By David C. Copley. 17 Mb.
Not quite on topic but it's a twin-boomer sans the extra engine. Back in the early 1970's Cessna toyed with the idea of a smaller, single pusher-engined version of the Skymaster called the XMC (Experimental Magic Carpet). Cessna says it was basically an engineering and technology demonstrator to test new materials, engines, and wing combinations - as well as a ducted fan version - but it looks pretty clear that they were testing the market waters for a new model light single

View attachment 29072View attachment 29073

Scanned form the May 1971 issue of Air Progress magazine

Apparently the cabin had higher noise levels than that of a C-150 and offered no real improvement in performance over it, but it looks like it'd be a nifty little runabout IMO!

makes me think of two more interesting "boomed" airplanes:

Piglet's great Anderson Greenwood AG-14 (one of which Cessna bought and evaluated before designing the Magic Carpet bird. They also did a small twin pusher like a 337 to compete with the Twin Camanche. No production.).

The Crusader AG-4 powered by two Menasco's. Dennis Siminaitis (sp?) did a nice one in FS98 and 2000, I think. Good web page on that retro looking bird.
