Twin Engine / Twin Boom / Prop Driven Round-up

Where did you find a v4.0? I only manage to turn up v2.2s.

Sascha, search for David C. Copley. Look for models that he's updated with FSDS 3.0 & 3.5 for his latest refinements. I would LOVE to see him go further with his P-38's. Especially in the cockpit
Stuart touched a little on David's lightnings, but this one is by far the best:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 P-38L-5: The Definitive Lightning
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: Size: 21,613,725 Date: 12-12-2007 Downloads: 4,379
FS2004 P-38L-5: The Definitive Lightning, Lockheed P-38L v2.4. Updated with FSDS3.5; primarily an update to the visual model (extra details, rounder parts, etc.), with some improvements to the sound set. Three texture sets: bare metal factory fresh, 1St FG and "Lizzie V". Complete package, including authentic Lockheed P-38 sounds recorded by the author. Includes gauges by Mike Wagner, and Eugene Heyart. Texture assistance from Dan Swart. Freeware. By David C. Copley.[/SIZE]
The 2.4 version I also tried and, I agree.
.....Are other paints available that don't come in the packages? YES, search for David C. Copley ;)

And to think, I would have never known about Mr. Copley's P-38's if I had not started this topic!! (sigh)

Here's a tidbit I think everyone will like
Every time I try to go to Mr. Copely's site, my virus protection squawks and won't let me in...says it's infected with some kind of trojan horse...
David probably hasn't updated his site as he retired from flightsim a while back.
OK... I turned off the web shield long enough to get onto David's page, and it looks like everything there is also on Just use the Advanced File Search and enter David Copley into the keyword field and select FS2004 Files for the category.

the FW-189 reconaissance plane comes to mind as well. There's a model available at Flightsim, I believe.

Best regards,
and if we stretch the subject a little thats' also twin boom, twin rudder
but only one engine...the Nardi FN-333 Riviera


Now THAT is what the Seabee should have been! The Seabee's landing gear always looked like it would snap off with the first three foot wave it came across, and that twin rudder/tailboom combo along with the turboprop engine makes for a much more interesting looking aircraft.

According to Wiki, the Nardi/Siai-Marchetti FN-333 Riviera was powered by a Continental six banger engine, but I bet a small Allison or Garret turboprop would've worked just as well or better. The screenie from the starboard rear quarter showed what looks to be a large exhaust port and I took that for a turboprop exhaust.

It seems that this got missed
Fairchild C-119 Flying Boxcar

Two versions, Mike Stone and [SIZE=-1]Daisuke Yamamoto
Both at with a load of repaints to boot.
How about these 3 great plane from Milton Shupe :jump::

Beechraft D18S; Howard 500; and the Beechcraft A28/XA-38 Gizzly. All twin engine and twin boom.
Beechraft D18S; Howard 500; and the Beechcraft A28/XA-38 Gizzly

I do'nt think any of those are twin boom certainly not on my comp
For something different, there is always the 109Z-1 that Dave and I did way back in 2005 :)

Available at flightsim.