One - has anyone gotten it to work with win10, if so help please. 
Two - activation code - sources?

Two - activation code - sources?
Gidday, I have GMAX working on Win 10. I have two desktop shortcuts, one pointing to standard GMAX and the other pointing to the CFS3 gamepack within GMAX. The properties of that shortcut are: "%GMAXLOC%gmax.exe -i gamepacks\CFS3\gmax.ini -p gamepacks\CFS3\plugin.ini -t "Combat Flight Simulator 3" ". The shortcut Start In window says %GMAXLOC%.One - has anyone gotten it to work with win10, if so help please.
Two - activation code - sources?
One thing I learnt from Frosty is to use a short cut pointing to where Gmax is installed; not to directly open a Gmax file which is in another place. ...