Ubisoft Exclusive DVD of CFS 3



I have just purchased OFF 3, and Googled for the Ubisoft DVD of CFS 3, and can not find it anywhere. Does anyone know where it may be sold? Any help would be appreciated.
Jens- The Jens of FS and GW fame? :ernae: In any case..try ebay for a copy. If no luck on ebay, PM me on this forum.

Polovski is correct. I bought mine there. They sold me two copies actually. I think it took a couple weeks for it to get to the states, but it was worth the wait.


dbl check it for yourself to make sure its what you want,,,

I know the pic on case says pc-cd, but if you scroll down to the bottom of the tech specifications,,,it says this

Compatibility PC
License Quantity 1 User
Shipping Weight 0.37 lb
Product Type Software
Language Support English
Distribution Media/Method DVD-ROM
Package Type Retail
Platform Support PC

if it is,,,then i would hurry....


but,,as an after thout,,,with off3, as i understand it, cd does not have to be in drive. Don't see the need to have a dvd over cd, unless its just a personal preference.
It's in all the shops here for NZ$25. It's packaged as a "That's Hot" "budget" game... FWIW.

Oh, and I just bought 3 copies of "IL2:1946" for 5GBP each off Amazon. So CFS3 must be superior, as it costs more!

Note for IL2 lovers: I'm joking, please do not make a fool of yourself by rising to the bait.

Reply to Sitting Duck

In the FAQ's for OFF 3, it said that the DVD of CFS3 does not have to be in the drive, but the CD version does. That is why I was asking about where to get the DVD version.
In the FAQ's for OFF 3, it said that the DVD of CFS3 does not have to be in the drive, but the CD version does. That is why I was asking about where to get the DVD version.

I don´t know where you reside it seems that in some part of the world it´s kind of hard get his hands on a copy of the DVD version of CFS3.
I understand there are downloads (fixes) that will allow one to run P2 or P3 without the CD. I recall a Google search of CFS3 CD cheat or something similar leads you to it.
I understand there are downloads (fixes) that will allow one to run P2 or P3 without the CD. I recall a Google search of CFS3 CD cheat or something similar leads you to it.

That is correct, if you Google "cfs3 no cd" it will give you the sites. I actually think it's nothing more than the (3.1) executable from the DVD and as long as you own the program on CD's there is no problem using it..
off3 needs cd

Yes, I stand corrected.....could have sworn I saw a post that said they resolved this in off3.
Funny thing is that even though CFS3 will play without the CD using the "fixed" exe OFF P2 will not! It required me to put the CD in....