UKMIL is Closed.


Charter Member
I was stunned when I just went to there website.:faint:

Until we decide how to go on, UKMIL will no longer exist. Thanks to all who supported us
There have been far too many people in this FS world too quick to complain, and they cannot do better
There have been too many people in this FS world getting a free ride

The UKMIL TEAM have all bar a couple, decided to leave, and the ones left are producing very little [in anything], so I see no point in the site continuing!
UKMIL started as a lone website, and IF it returns, it will be as such again [with Chris of course!]
There will NOT be a UKMIL site until SEP 09 at the earliest

You have force another FREEWARE DEVELOPER to close its doors, with constant snipes at the aircraft models and paints, and the truth is, you can't do any better!

A sad day for all of us.
Hmmmm, I guess I can understand their feelings concerning criticism beyond the "constructive". As soon as you post a model, repaint, scenery package, panel mod or anything else FS related you are fair game for the critics. Sometimes it's warranted, sometimes not. Folks have preconceived expectations of what a release will look like or fly like. . .beyond what has been promised by the developers. You always run the risk of "experts" who have either seen that airplane at an airshow, taken photo's of it, saw it on a documentary, flew in it "one time", or read every book ever written about it. . . .pointing out flaws in your version. If it's payware (which these from UKMil were not) then expect some assistance from support. . . .on the other hand, if they're freeware and you can't say anything nice. . . . .you know the rest. If you can be gracious in your criticism and help the developer then more power to ya. . .if not. . .shut up and get over it.

I hope the site returns in some form, they will be missed.
Well that's a great shame, they were always prolific and enthusiastic. I wish them all the best and hope 'the gaffer' and the crew return

Kind regards

The sad thing is that the @#$%^& rivet counters probably don't care. Most of 'em I've seen are all about themselves and to heck with everyone else.
Typical of these people out there that think the whole world owes them something, why can they not just simply delete what they don't like and spent nothing more than a few minutes of their apparently valuable time downloading, free of charge, and shut the h*** up and go do something else?
I'm tired of seeing developers close down based on the whining of people camped in front of their computers complaining about free stuff. If you don't like it move on. No one cares why you don't like it. We can all judge for ourselves. :faint:
The sad thing is I really like the repaints some of those guys did. And I was going to ask if anyone there was intending to do anymore of those brilliant repaints of the AlphaSim Lightnings. They had 2 recent ones with the shiny metal that were fantastic. Very realistic. Just wish I could get a copy of PSP at home, here. But it costs an arm & 2 legs (Almost $800s) which is nuts. Also there was no paint kit with Lightnings, so the guys at UKMIL must have put one together. What ashame. Will be missed.
Sorry to hear the misfortune. I hate to see any freeware developers leave the maps as I can't have it any other way. Six months ago it was completely different. I had a job.

I hope you reconsider
Another freeware producer of aircraft gone...and all due to those who can not accept that fact that, no matter how detailed the models are in this and other sims are, they are just CARTOON airplanes. Animated, 3D cartoons. Nothing more, nothing less. If you want real, then shell out the bucks for a real plane...otherwise face the fact that every aircraft made from the first installment of Microsoft Flight Simulator all they way through FSX have just been CARTOON airplanes. Sure, it's nice having them look and fly as real as possible...but they can not be 100% realistic...for the simple fact that it is impossible to 100% duplicate real world physics, weather, sound, light, shadow, etc in this or any other simulator.

Now, for those who do not realize, or who refuse to realize, that the planes in simulators are the rest of us a favor...shut off your computer and return go back to what ever you were doing before you came into our little world and screwed it all to hell.

Very sad. I've always had a policy that freeware is a gift to us all, you take it for what it is or leave it. If I'm paying a decent amount of money for a payware product, then I rightly (IMHO) expect it so be as good as it reasonably can be, and well researched.

This is very sad news indeed, while I don't have many of their aircraft, I do have many of their sceneries which are simply superb, and the repaints have been very welcome too.
Aye, Obio - pixels, ones and zeros. No disregard to those who make this field their living - and it truly is a craft, and an arcane enough one that all we non-developers are endebted to those who've dedicated themselves to it.

Simming for the last decade, and beta testing for roughly the latter half of it has taught me that when it comes to freeware, we are blessed beyond measure. The patheticc creatures whose picayune whims are not met to a standard they themselves couldn't hope to achieve are in the end, the ones who lose out.

If, against the treasure-trove of works of art with which we have been blessed by the overwhelming generosity of folks like AlliedFS, FDZings, the Lyons, Tim Conrad, Milton Shupe, Maltby, Stone, Ito, Sanderson, Zhyhulskiy, Pepper, Gibson, Waldron, Kristensen, Historic Jetliner, MAIW, Calclassic, RetroAI, Alpha India, CBFsim, not to mention the army of repainters like Steve, Lucien, Obio, Morton, Quincey, and many, many others - and that includes the good folks at UKMIL - if someone can claim they are in anyway hard done by the fact that all that is not enough - then I say, they are truly paupers by their own hands.

A good reminder that when it comes to freeware, the cup is not merely half full - but truly running over.

Here's a salute to those many good folks - many of whom will remain only as named strangers to us - but to whom we owe so much in the making this hobby immeasurably more enjoyable. :ernae:

Thank you UKmil team for all your contributions to the FS world! I certainly hope all the problems can be resolved, as you have filled some vacancies in my flightsim wishlist. Even the funny-looking ones like the Nimrod AEW.3.

I would suggest there is more to this than just some angst caused by the usual ignorant nitpickers.
Let us not overlook the fact that the core of this site were the paid-up members.
We'll probably never know the real reason for losing UKMil but I have my own thoughts on the matter.
The sad thing is I really like the repaints some of those guys did. And I was going to ask if anyone there was intending to do anymore of those brilliant repaints of the AlphaSim Lightnings. They had 2 recent ones with the shiny metal that were fantastic. Very realistic. Just wish I could get a copy of PSP at home, here. But it costs an arm & 2 legs (Almost $800s) which is nuts. Also there was no paint kit with Lightnings, so the guys at UKMIL must have put one together. What ashame. Will be missed.

My AlphaSim Lightnings were painted by UKMiL's brushes too... along with some others that I have including the IRIS Tornado. I always felt that their repaints were very nicely done. I joined the forum at UKMiL some time ago, never posted much but always enjoyed reading up on what they were working on. The "Golden Rule" in my book regarding any freeware: "It's a gift". A gift from someone who has taken the time to put it together for you. It says alot about freeware developers as a whole... putting things together to make the FS experience a bit more enjoyable, and then giving that gift to total strangers. I'll miss UKMiL, not only as a freeware developer but a freeware developer for FS9. Hopefully we will see UKMiL back in September.

sad news indeed, i agree though i enjoyed their freeware stuff, some people make for detail and lack the soul UKMIL found a good balance between soul and detail and they were great, lets hope you return in the Future, as for me well i'm just booting FS and climbing into that SHAR...
:frown: this is very sad guys.... UKMIL had the best looking freeware bucceneer there is out there guys with so many repaints and the wasp helicopter and the hawk 120, man they truly did have some great planes and ALL FREEWARE... I was a vivid poster on their forums but now..... Hope they will return!
I like everyone else was shocked to hear this news. The only time I have ever complained (and only in a constructive manner) was when I had bought some payware, but freeware, well its not the thing to do is it?

These people have given up their time and effort for us all - they havent sat infront of the TV, gone shopping, or gone down the pub, they have sat there for hours on end producing for us wonderful creations. We should be grateful for this and if you ever find that you dont like something, there is always a button called 'delete'.

I have said time and time again, mostly in another forum, that we should be grateful for all that we get. But they do seem to be a lot of 'experts' out there - I'm surprised someone has commented about the tyre pressures looking wrong!!

Now I dont have the time or the patience to make anything - even a pea! Thanks to all for all the wonderful hours I've had sat infront of my PC. I take my hat off to everyone that has furthered my virtual flying. And I sincerely mean that.

I research colour schemes for warbird owners and when an aeroplane is painted and taken to the shows, I've had people come up and say to my face, thats the wrong colour or the lettering is the wrong font. At times I can relate to the people at Ukmil and it has in the past made me want to just pack it all in.....but I slowly come around (when the next project arises) and perhaps given time the ukmil staff will too.

Thanks to all,
