UKMIL is Closed.

Its suck a shame that UKMil is gone. They provided hours of entertainmwnt with their models and repains and their scenery. Waddington looks a dream. Freeware IS a gift, a developer giving their time for nothing, maybe a few thankyous but looking at the number of developers that seem to quit due to snide comments thankyous seem to be going too. I hope UKMil does come back and doesn't leave us with a hole where they should be.

Thanks to UKMil,
UKMIL was supported by club members who paid £10 for the privalage of donloading some 'club' files - so not an entirely freeware site gents!

It is perhaps because some of those members protested after paying their good money to support the site that it is know reinstated in it's present form.
UKMIL was supported by club members who paid £10 for the privalage of donloading some 'club' files - so not an entirely freeware site gents!

It is perhaps because some of those members protested after paying their good money to support the site that it is know reinstated in it's present form.

That's two of us who are cynical ........ :kilroy:
I'm one of those members and didnt protest. Gaffer is in charge made a call and i respect his call.
Just Flight generously supplied the aerial imagry for the ground textures in both sceneries and they taught me how to edit and compile the geotiffs for the FSX versions. They have also been hosting Coningsby for about a year now. Waddington was added recently after they made an auto-install routine. Both the sceneries are also at but with manual install.

After reading all the posts on a couple of sites now I thought I would just say this about UKMIL

Their scenery was nothing short of amazing

Their aircraft were not so stellar even though freeware and many people were making suggestions on improvement including myself.
The replies always seemed a little ..........."if you want something better do it yourself"

If you can't take negative comments ..........nothing more to be said.

I'm sorry to hear some of your team left to pursue maybe other avenues. Hopefully you will bounce back in one form or another for the FS world.

Just Flight generously supplied the aerial imagry for the ground textures in both sceneries and they taught me how to edit and compile the geotiffs for the FSX versions. They have also been hosting Coningsby for about a year now. Waddington was added recently after they made an auto-install routine. Both the sceneries are also at but with manual install.

They did a good job teaching you John, your scenery is fantastic, I have both loaded and use them regularly.

Look forward to seeing more!!!
After reading all the posts on a couple of sites now I thought I would just say this about UKMIL

Their scenery was nothing short of amazing

Their aircraft were not so stellar even though freeware and many people were making suggestions on improvement including myself.
The replies always seemed a little ..........."if you want something better do it yourself"

If you can't take negative comments ..........nothing more to be said.

I'm sorry to hear some of your team left to pursue maybe other avenues. Hopefully you will bounce back in one form or another for the FS world.


I would agree with that. I generally left aircraft alone as there was rarely a VC, I don't fly in a 2d cockpit for real, so why would I do it in a sim?! That said I never complained as it's all freeware, and have made much use of their re-paints which have been superb.

I'm pleased to see the site up and running again, I too wondered how they'd get round the fact that they had paying club members.
This is very sad news, i cant belive how anyone can complain, there scenery alone is nothing short of amazing and way beyond anything i can produce and is always installed on my FS9, glad to see the downloads are back up but i'll miss the forums which i found very imformative, i also hope some of the WIP projects will see the light of day.
Ive always gone by what my mother would say, " if you have nothing nice to say then just say nout"
Thanks for the add-ons you've given us Ukmil guys :ernae:
cheers ian
Ian your mother's word are so true and wise even today it still carries a lot of water my friend:amen:
The replies always seemed a little ..........."if you want something better do it yourself"

If you can't take negative comments ..........nothing more to be said.

It's not really an issue of taking negative comments, it's an issue of people sitting on their butts and thinking they have the right to comment when they don't contribute anything for others to enjoy.

You will find that very few, if any, developers comment negatively on another person's work and that is only because they know how much effort goes into even a simple add-on.

It's not really an issue of taking negative comments, it's an issue of people sitting on their butts and thinking they have the right to comment when they don't contribute anything for others to enjoy.

You will find that very few, if any, developers comment negatively on another person's work and that is only because they know how much effort goes into even a simple add-on.


My response;

Not really an issue of taking negative comments....which they didn't respond well on the aircraft side. To any reply that was made to an aircraft UKMIL put out it was always, "do it better if you can etc, we didn't have enough time etc.

Why is there always this banter when folks make negative comments, I reiterate.........their scenery was stunning to the FS world, just some of the detail in some of their aircraft I thought needed comment. I meant no disrespect at all , just being honest.
As for "having the right to comment" if you don't want the wonderful people in this forum to give their opinions.........don't bother posting........simple.

On a great open forum such as SOH, you have to take the rough with the smooth IMHO.

Nuff said !!
I never visited the UKMil forum, but maybe the whole thing here is that comments meant to be constructive criticizm were taken the wrong way? It's a shame if it's true.
Perhaps I'm wrong but I agree with their sentiments, Seaking.

Sometimes people tend to run off at the mouth before they engage their brain without due consideration to the amount of time and expense that a freeware developer goes into for their enjoyment and if a person is not happy with a freeware offering, then they really should keep their comments to themselves.

Microsoft recently announced that they were ceasing development of the Flight Simulation series. Whilst this may not mean a lot right now to many people, the effect will become apparent in a few years time when the Flight Simulation series slowly starts making an exodus from the shelves. There will be a situation where there is no new blood coming into the frey - This means that everybody's continued enjoyment of this hobby now rests solely in the hands of those freeware and payware developers who are already here. What I'm highlighting is skills retention and it really is a case of shooting oneself in the foot when one engages in "sniping" because a freeware model is not up to scratch.

Encouragement goes a long way and people would get a lot further with a kind word than a gripe because the paint scheme is not correct or because the gauge on the port console is not correctly placed, etc ad infinitum.

Just my two cents on the issue :wave:

The world is full of them and they all point downwards , Thank you guys from ukmil i for one think your work was of a high standard and will miss your offerings . To those that point down wards if you can't do better keep your trap shut
IMHO, "constructive criticism" is often motivated by a kind of immature competitiveness. The "critic" wants to gain some credit for "contributing" to the model. He or she just can't stand to see anyone doing well--other than themselves.