I still use it to fly the planes that I miss in the current sim, but every flight is a disappointment.
Why on virtual earth would you do that ??... Not good for your health, i'm sure.
Doctor Phil
I still use it to fly the planes that I miss in the current sim, but every flight is a disappointment.
Whisper mode On
Whisper mode Off
Oh, actually, I had forgotten about that one...
I don't really class my Stearman as a "warbird" so I didn't think to include it, but that's also well on the way to release.
Did you just say F-16?? Give this man a beer!!!
"doing" mach numbers isn't the real issue. It's how everything else behaves at those indicated speeds that is.
Sorry Dean, I can't agree. I truly do not believe that the sim "behaves" normally at all. Example, just for sh##s and giggles I configured a V12 Merin to output 32hp at 48 inches of mercury and dropped it into our Spit. I was able to take off at 40mph and kept climbing at 2000fpm. Some motor!
In 21 years of developing I have never come across so many inexplicable variables. And, as is evidenced by a large number of long-time developers yet to release, neither have a lot of people.
I tend to listen to people like Roy Holmes who have extraordinary skills and experience. Ask him what he thinks of the flight model.
It's not a Warbird, but I'm still working on a Bristol 188.
I need to figure out how to exceed Mach 1 in the sim,
I'll have to check it out, as I haven't looked into the SDK lately. Thanks for the heads up. KenAnyone who has and has read the SDK will know that there is, in there, an extraordinary section on aerodynamics that appears to have been "lifted"directly from an aeronautical sciences textbook. It is so complicated and jam-packed full of symbology, compared to the rest of the document it is laughable. It is hard to believe that these are the workings used by the developer to engineer the flight model. As I understand it, Asobo's experience lies with motorcars, not aeroplanes and this shows in the current offering. Whether you like it or not, XPlane does have its roots in aeronautics and the development materials are better explained and used in that sim. We have to hope that eventually some of the sillier bugs will be fixed or removed and we can spend our time more efficiently, rather than "in the lab" fixing things ourselves. Party on.
Thanks, I hadn't heard of Aerosoar before. He has a lot of projects that I've always wanted in development. The Miller JM-2, the Airbus E-Fan electric plane, and their other jet is a MiG-15. Check out their Facebook Page.There's a Mirage 2000 under development.
Nice work, I'm looking forward to it in MSFS.It's not a Warbird, but I'm still working on a Bristol 188. I need to figure out how to exceed Mach 1 in the sim, add reheat and a few more instrument items. View attachment 81717 View attachment 81716 View attachment 81715 View attachment 81718