Upcoming Project RYAN SC-W

A few more screens of the SCW. Lots of clickable things in there to play with. I still have a bit more to do on it but I'm thinking that she should be ready in 1 to 2 weeks.

Happy flyin


That little plane is coming along very nicely. I have the credit card in hover mode just waiting to swipe it on this package.

Thanks Tim, still a little more left and she'll be ready fer ya. Just finished the pilot this morning before school and now doing some tweaking on it.

Hey, now that is one sharp looking pilot. Best face details I have seen on a pilot yet.

Like everyone else I am eagerly awaiting the Ryan's arrival. And, like OBIO, I think your pilot is one of the best, if not THE best, I have seen in FS9, The Ryan is a beautiful little plane and your new model will be/is a genuinely welcome addition to the simming experience. LA