Update on the PBYs


Kurier auf Stube...pauke!
Staff member
Whew, I know the old saying is if you play with cats you get scratched man I need a transfusion!

Seriously, just sent the last of three versions to the ETO crew and will in the next week or so send them over to Beaus' site if folks don't want to use ETO and just want the planes for whatever. :salute:

Versions are PBY 5 - RAF 209 sqd WQM, PBY 5A - CC OTU 1188 & VP11 American

I know that John is making a Black Cat skin and maybe a few other PTO's that will be used there. Have fun.:ernae:

Now off to rest to put in a new ATI HD 4870 (forgot about the shine) and see what happens. See you in a few weeks after a nice break. :icon29::icon29:

I think you've earned a break Ted, like about six months!

Just kidding - we all want to see the rest finished, but take a little time to fly! There's been some lovely models released y'know, they look really good in CFS3....
.....Seriously, just sent the last of three versions to the ETO crew and will in the next week or so send them over to Beaus' site if folks don't want to use ETO and just want the planes for whatever. :salute:

Versions are PBY 5 - RAF 209 sqd WQM, PBY 5A - CC OTU 1188 & VP11 American.....

Thanks for keeping us informed and for yours and everybodys work on this!! :jump:
I'll be doing a few skins for this one!
I've already got some done, here's the US Black cat.

Simply....wow....!!!! :medals: You guys create the most incredible models and skins. Are all the gun / observation stations modeled too?
MANY THANKS to ALL Involved..
I've Been Lookig Forward To a Cat for Many years..
BRAVO to All

Simply....wow....!!!! :medals: You guys create the most incredible models and skins. Are all the gun / observation stations modeled too?

Yep all stations are modelled, I've already shown a shot of the main pit in an earlier thread, here's the Blister

CHECK THAT OUT!!!!!! :salute:
Not having one of these in CFS2 was always a big disappointment. Maybe one day maybe you professionals could mentor us novices in this art. Then you could be the recipient instead of the provider all the time. Meanwhile, PLEASE keep up the great work!
WOOOOHAHAHA!!! There is a serious lack of sufficiently laudatory smilies here. This and the upcoming Defiant will definitely be the releases of the year! :applause::applause::applause::applause::applause::applause:

Back to gmax for the rest of us...

or should we wait for the Sundy before deciding?
CHECK THAT OUT!!!!!! :salute:
Not having one of these in CFS2 was always a big disappointment. Maybe one day maybe you professionals could mentor us novices in this art. Then you could be the recipient instead of the provider all the time. Meanwhile, PLEASE keep up the great work!

Thanks Phrog_phixer, this is something I am thinking about for a while.

This community uses the skills of only a few very talented people. When they do too much for a long time (like Nachtpiloten?), they sooner or later retire from modelling. When others - like myself - try to pick up some of the trade, only a few people succeed. Why I ask to myself? What does one need? Reading all the posts for some years, I think it has to do with:
- you need to have some talent
- you need to have time
- you have to keep going
- you need support from others

The first two can not be supported by SOH. But perhaps we could think about the other two. When someone new asks us for help with GMAX, we simply reply: use the tutorials. Most of the time we don't hear anything after that.

That seems a waste to me. Not everybody has the talent or the time to make superb models (I fear I am one of them), but for a lot of planes an AI-version is enough to increase the immersion and the fun of CFS3 ETO a lot.

I resently saw some tutorials on youtube. Perhaps we could do something with that, especially for the parts of modelmaking that most of us find difficult when we start learning GMAX or making a skin.

This could be a project after ETO 1.3 is released ....

And to Nachtpiloten and Bravo/4: you guys did a wonderful job!!!!

i wish I could mod, but I work 2 jobs to eke a living. So my time is almost non-existent.