Update on the PBYs

...When others - like myself - try to pick up some of the trade, only a few people succeed. Why I ask to myself?.... When someone new asks us for help with GMAX, we simply reply: use the tutorials. Most of the time we don't hear anything after that.

That seems a waste to me.....

No offense RemcoC, but if we don't put in the effort with the tutorials the rest is unlikely to follow. The basic tutorials supplied with gmax are dull imo, but necessary to learn the tools in the first instance.

I'm no expert, most of what I've since learned has been from the model building tutorials by Viso, Hugh Shoults, Gerard van der Harst and Milton Shupe. I also read as much as I can find in posts by Mathias, Nacht and others to round out the picture. Modelling is such a big topic, when the frequently recommended tutorials by acknowledged experts are so good, why reinvent the wheel?

It's been interesting recently watching some of the OFFers at CombatACE getting into modelling for the first time. How many will go on to supplement what Polovski et al have done there? No idea, but it's good to see some trying!
That version of the Black Cat is the very best picture of any WWII aircraft I have ever seen on Sim Outhouse, - bar none.
I just have to have it.
Who do I have to kill?
Just a marvelous, impeccable, job. It looks real!
That version of the Black Cat is the very best picture of any WWII aircraft I have ever seen on Sim Outhouse, - bar none.
I just have to have it.
Who do I have to kill?
Just a marvelous, impeccable, job. It looks real!

Helldiver, the initial release will be with the upcoming ETO update, but will also be released at http://www.beauscfs3.co.uk/ This is Beaubrummies site, he will also host some extra skins!

Thanks for your comments we appreciate it!


Flying this plane for the first time was one of those moments in CFS1 that rewarded me for the time spent learning about computers, and "add-ons".

We are all fortunate when something like this is produced for us.

Your work shown here so far is spectacular looking. Thank You.