The Cat has always been a favorite of mine. Beautiful works guys!
...When others - like myself - try to pick up some of the trade, only a few people succeed. Why I ask to myself?.... When someone new asks us for help with GMAX, we simply reply: use the tutorials. Most of the time we don't hear anything after that.
That seems a waste to me.....
That version of the Black Cat is the very best picture of any WWII aircraft I have ever seen on Sim Outhouse, - bar none.
I just have to have it.
Who do I have to kill?
Just a marvelous, impeccable, job. It looks real!
a MAW one for exemple? A Catalina has been shot down in 1942 close to the Tunisian coast by a Vichy D520.... I'd like to check if I can do the same :dThis is Beaubrummies site, he will also host some extra skins!