UPLOADED: CFS3 Environment v2.0

Can either of you post a screenshot? It would also help if you gave the location, time of day and altitude you took it at. It could be similar to an issue I had been having but had fixed on my setup where there was a giant square of sky directly above that was either darker or lighter than the rest of the sky, and only appeared during dawn or dusk conditions. I have no idea what causes it or why it eventually went away.

:wavey:gecko these is from RS Sino and AVG

View attachment 92649View attachment 92650
At least one other person had what I think was a similar problem in ETO. We resolved it by deleting the alternate shaders folder from his main ETO directory. This folder (and the shaders.xml it contains) is not supposed to be installed in CFS3. I included it so people could have the option of still using the enhanced metal shine option which many have enabled by editing their shaders.xml. You can use it in place of the other shaders.xml, but avoid having more than one shaders.xml located anywhere in a given installation. I hope this fixes it. If not, make double certain you have installed all the other files in the package. Otherwise I guess it would be some strange compatibility issue with your system.

Hi Daniel

I've used your ETO enviroment now for some time.
Is it possible to edit the horison fog to be slightly grey and perhaps a little transparent?


Changing the color is possible, but I'm not sure about the transparency. For the time being I am not planning another update until some other projects get taken care of. If you want to tackle it yourself while you wait, the fogColor value in the weather .xmls is the first thing you want to change. The value that goes here is an odd one, I use this converter to convert hex values for a given color to a value usable in the weather file: http://www.binaryhexconverter.com/hex-to-decimal-converter

Note, you will have to do this for each type of weather you wish to change.

Next if you want the top part of the horizon fog to match the bottom part you just changed, you will need to edit the skybox .dds files you installed in your effects folder. Because of how CFS3 displays them differently from the horizon fog, using the same color value you used previously will most likely not appear to be the same color in game, so you will have to tweak one or both until they match as close as is possible. A completely perfect match from all angles won't be possible.

The last step of this process is to tweak the color of the water, as this will have changed when you changed the fog color. To do this, you will need to change the color of the cfs3h2of.dds file. This is a partially transparent file saved in DXT5 DDS format. Both the transparency level and the DXT5 format are critical, so keep this in mind as you edit and save.


EDIT: If you like I can send you my paint.net template files I used for working with the .dds textures and of course feel free to upload anything you come up with.
Can either of you post a screenshot? It would also help if you gave the location, time of day and altitude you took it at. It could be similar to an issue I had been having but had fixed on my setup where there was a giant square of sky directly above that was either darker or lighter than the rest of the sky, and only appeared during dawn or dusk conditions. I have no idea what causes it or why it eventually went away.

Here is a picture from DPC Korea

View attachment 92658
Did you try the above fix? Try that, and also try reinstalling the skybox textures from the package. Yours looks like you may have only installed some of the textures.
Thanks for the info Daniel! :salute:

I'm a bit puzzled about the fog color though.

When I check one the weather files in WMScenery the fog color has a high value.
Example fogColor="4288529397" which is hex value: FF9DC3F5
Your 1_10th_scattered_clouds_2000ft.xml has fogColor="14935039" which is hex value:E3E3FF
Color values are usually 6 digits, so I don't understand how he could use 8 digits..... :isadizzy:

It looks like you have a duplicate set of skybox textures hiding somewhere in your install. CFS3 is randomly choosing which individual textures to display and the result is that it is displaying a mixture of the two sets. Run a search of your main RS directory for the skybox textures and delete or otherwise remove the duplicates. Check the effects/skybox folder of the package to see what file names you need to look for.

Thanks for the info Daniel! :salute:

I'm a bit puzzled about the fog color though.

When I check one the weather files in WMScenery the fog color has a high value.
Example fogColor="4288529397" which is hex value: FF9DC3F5
Your 1_10th_scattered_clouds_2000ft.xml has fogColor="14935039" which is hex value:E3E3FF
Color values are usually 6 digits, so I don't understand how he could use 8 digits..... :isadizzy:


Interesting, those extra two digits could be the transparency effect you're looking for. Might be the first pair or the last pair.
Hey Tiger, I also noticed your water is completely black in one of your screenies, is that fixed too?
I'd recommend the ETO version as the packages are tweaked to reflect particular regions. ETO and BoB are set in the same area.
I tried it and I get white sqares even afther deleting the duplicate skybox files.
Check for duplicate water textures just like you did for the skybox, the ones in the package are in the effects/fxtextures folder.

@gosd, is it possible that you have more than one duplicate set? Also, try reinstalling the skybox textures from the package to make certain you didn't accidentally delete any when you were getting rid of duplicates. If those don't fix it, could you post another screenshot?
That still seems to indicate that you have some extra water textures in your install. The tricky thing with duplicate textures like these is that you won't always have the same problem, your water might be grey one time and blue the next, you could get water that flickers or waves that switch on and off or you might not. It's just cfs3 choosing a different of mix of the two or more sets of water textures each time it runs. You've definitely got some extras in there somewhere and you won't get it fixed until you get rid of them. Until then even if you load it once and everything looks fine, the next time chances are it won't be.