US Navy Boeing P8A Poseidon Released

Hey Sarge. Sorry to bug you again, but I am missing the radio stack guage. when I press shift, and 4. Take a look at the pics below. First one is my panel and, second is your's maybe you can point me in the directon to find the right one, or send it to me thanks again :icon_lol:
A new US Coast Guard livery is available at Flightsim ...

Name: Size: 6,674,529 Date: 06-13-2009
FS2004 USCG Boeing P8A Poseidon. Project Open Sky Boeing P8A Poseidon, United States Coast Guard repaint by Colin Lowe.

Cheers! Mike :wavey:
Im in sky high heaven now. Took her for flight outa Havanna to Rosevelt Roads PR. Im currently preforming the same flight in Fs9 to compare WX notes of ASA against my FSX flight.
Hey I noticed something weird on this model, the rudder while in the air flying, does not move as much as on the ground while taxiing.or standing still.
Hey I noticed something weird on this model, the rudder while in the air flying, does not move as much as on the ground while taxiing.or standing still.

If i'm not wrong, that's been a long time FlightSim issue...Not an AddOn issue. :isadizzy:
Thanks Sarge, just wondering, News to me.

Don't quote me on it. Maybe someone else can elaborate more about it. But make sure your Yaw Damper switch is turned off, in the overhead panel (especially if u use the autopilot). Yaw Dampers & Auto Pilots don't get along.
Does anyone else think this model is WAY nose heavy? I have to use almost all the trim to get her to fly. I improved it a bit grafting a similar model from another source but still heavy.
Not here. I used about 1½ notches of flaps and she she did the "homesick angel" thing with no flaps at all. My only gripe is the lack of drag on both the spoilers and flaps. I know how to fix both, so it's not a big deal to me.
Did you want the revised weapon textures to pass on to the guys at POSKY ? Let me know if you do, however I won't be able to send them until this weekend, taking family to see the USS Midway and meet friends at NAS North Island this week. I have no problem with you passing the update along to whoever wants it. This goes for the guys that already have them, give them out to whoever you want peer to peer since I realy can't make a claim to them so they should not be posted to a download site, even this one. Remember, all I did was change some letters and colors, the guys at POSKY did all the hard work.
I'll be happy to pass them along. Cant promise anything will be done with them, but I'll make sure they're delivered.:kilroy: