V1.14.5.0 released

"On a related note using steam version now anyway all the time as it allows for offline use, the store one just refuses to run and since youre in oz like us then you know how often the smoke signals that we rely on for our internet can be disrupted by rain , possums , and if a leaf suddenly lands on a transformer somewhere in the outback."

Just as a matter of interest Mike, now that the Monsoon has blown away for a few days 70 MBS +/-loose change is not that bad given the National Bloody Nonsense that we're stuck with.

Downloaded with no drama, installed after a minor argument about which drive I wanted the main package on, poked around the UI, dragged out the so-called 'Manual' to try and sort out the clutter laughingly known as the UI.
Time is 02:55 so I'm off before Madame Wombat appears and drags me away!
Bought from MS store Why hasn't it been updated?

Have you gone to the MS store and tried to update? Also, you may be able to manually update via the Content Manager.
Update has to be done via the store. What should happen is:

1 - The Store automatically updates the core, you launch the sim and download the rest, or...
2 - You launch the sim and get redirected to the store for the core update, then back to the sim for the rest

Make sure you're signed into your Store account, reboot the box, come back to the Store and then click the "..." menu. Select Downloads and Updates, then Get Updates. That should get the core update so that you can then do the rest when you launch the sim.
Update has to be done via the store. What should happen is:

1 - The Store automatically updates the core, you launch the sim and download the rest, or...
2 - You launch the sim and get redirected to the store for the core update, then back to the sim for the rest

Make sure you're signed into your Store account, reboot the box, come back to the Store and then click the "..." menu. Select Downloads and Updates, then Get Updates. That should get the core update so that you can then do the rest when you launch the sim.

I am grateful for your help!