If I can catch up, I can at least position the VC light. I had some homework to help with first.
Looks like 10.70, 1.00, 2.0 will put it just to the pilot side of the panel face, or 11.80, 1.00, 2.0 will put it just to the nose side of the panel face, whichever, it's a starting point. +/-1 for the lateral should put them about yoke position if two are going in. I was using fx_vclight_deepred instead of the default.
Looks like 10.70, 1.00, 2.0 will put it just to the pilot side of the panel face, or 11.80, 1.00, 2.0 will put it just to the nose side of the panel face, whichever, it's a starting point. +/-1 for the lateral should put them about yoke position if two are going in. I was using fx_vclight_deepred instead of the default.