Very sharp detail in the scenery...great screenies.

Is that the Bismarck13 (William Dickens) RE-2002?

Ya know...for a plane that was built for CFS2, Bismarck's 2002 is one sharp little number. When he did the model, he sent it to me for skinning....I spent 2 or 3 weeks studying every image of real 2002s I could find to get the panel lines as close to possible as I could...I must have done the fuselage lines 2 dozen times until I was finally satisfied with them. Can't remember how many skins I did for the plane....they were decent and the plane looked nice....then Morton did his paints for the plane and it was taken to an entirely different level. WOW!

How about a link where to get that plane at. Looks great, as does the scenery.

The Re-2002 is by Bismarck13, and originally for CFS2. Underdog updated the flight dynamics and stuff to make it more usable in FS2004. All animations work, everything is good to go. No clickable VC stuff...that doesn't exist in CFS2.

You can download the package, as updated by Underdog, here:

Morton did three paints for the plane, they can be found on his site: Aircrafts

Bismarck did this model 2 years or so ago, his talents as a modeler have improved greatly since then...but this plane is very easy on the eyes.....the VC is basic, but the external modeling is really nice.

So how do we get that Venice if Lago is not around anymore? i have wanted a better Venice for FS9 for years but did not know there was it possible to run that scenery add on without Lagos? thanks for sharing the pics.

I found a Venice airport by the Italian Scenery Design Group, the files on AVSIM are corrupted but there is a complete install of 50 MB downloadable...the files are :


is this the Venice photoreal pictured?

I have Venice X for FSX but have not found anything yet for Venice in FS9. thanks for any help on this.
Hello CrisGer,

I make this Scenery with Maps2bgl from Gunnar Dähling and Tiles from
But it,s not allowed to upload this Scenerys as Freeware, because the Pictures are copyright from Google or!
Because, i am a Fan from Photorealscenerys, and Mazzokan, I make the Rest from Italy (the North Part with the Borders to Switzerland, Austria, and France).
I dont know, how i can get Pictures,they allowed me to make Scenerys from this Part of Italy, so i can Upload it as Freeware. Sorry!

Franzi, LOWG
ah, i thought Lago was gone, i did not realize that their sceneries were still useable. I remember seeing posts from people that said they could no longer get activations from Lago, but that might have been something differnet. thanks so much for the link.

Is it safe to buy them still? i see several that i would love to get.
Ys i have Venice X and FSX, but i am trying to study and build a good install of FS9 to study many of the textures and sceneries some of which are unique to FS9 still. thanks for that suggestion. I am still amazed that Aces did not do more for Venice, Italy or the Medditerranean, there is so much wonderful history there, and so much that would have benefited the sim. Fortunatley many have come foreward to enhance things.
Wel Franzi inspired me to work on my Venice as well, and I must say the Lago Scenery is just amazing, the detail and the beauty of what they achieved is quite incredible. I have not been back to Venice since the 1980's so it meant a lot to me to see it is one of my favorite places anywhere.....

i took of at dawn from Rome from Fiumicino in one of the beautifully made classic Italian Savoia Marchetti's, i confess i dont remeber exactly which one it is as i installed 8 of them tonight and they are all wonderful...


anyway, flew to Venice and got there at noon,


the lagoon was sparkling and filled with boats, ships, travellers and locals, i landed at the old OLD aerodrome that is out to the east of the city...


and was there for sunset over the lagoon for a nice drink at Harry's Bar. This sim has wonders for us to enjoy...


I am a little concerned however for San Giorgio Maggiore facing the Baciono di San Marco seems to have lost its campanili tower..... did it fall down since i was there? I hope not. Maybe i can figure out how to replace it with Gmax.
Franzi thank you very very much, i was really missing that lovely church in the lagoon, i have painted it many times and it will be wonderful to have it back :)

here are a few of my paintings from Venice... i cant wait to get some of the nice ships and the speedboat that looks very much like many of the classic old runabouts I have seen in Venezia to explore this wonderful scenery...






thank you so much for sharing your topic on this Franzi, it has really been wonderful to start building a really good Italy in the sim, i am going to get the Lago Rome next and hope to look at more of the photoreal sceneries and some of the wonderful classic Italian planes to add as well.
Sorry to venture further off topic but I was stationed in Giessen Germany 1995-1999 and I did make it to Venice in 98. As of 98, that tower was still standing, but crooked. These are some of my thousands of original 35mm pictures that I scanned.
Here's a few more.

And I actually have NUMEROUS from the Balkans region taken between 1996-1999. I have a lot of photos that the general public never got to see.

The Balkans region is beautiful country, its just a shame that civil war ruined it. The hills, lakes and mountains are breathtaking scenery and I'd love to see some photo real scenery of Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Kosovo and Albania.

If anyone is interested, I can upload some pics of that part of the world.
Those are Wonderful pics of Venice, i would love to see pics of the Balkans, i have always wanted to see more of that part of the world, hopefully things will be restored over time. It has much history and much of that history contributed to the present challenges. thanks for sharing those really nice pics of Venice.