Visual Enhancement Procedure?

Ankor I wonder if its possible to create the appearance illusion of dynamic movement in the water rather than a static rendering?
Make sure "Disable Water Animation" is NOT checked in cfs3config overrides.
Also it depends on the water texture you use, stock CFS3 water doesn't have any good movement animation, it appears more like waves are bouncing up and down without moving sideways.

Finally it may make sense to play with "Water Detail Texture Size" slider in Texture Info config to adjust the size of waves.
I have checked to make sure "disable water animation" is not checked and I have no animation with your water effects. If I remove your effects then I have the water animation. So I'm not sure what is doing that but any suggestions are welcome.
I'm almost there. With 'Dual Pass Render' disabled, I now get the wonderful self-shading and the reflective sea, but I can see land through the water, which is generally very dark. I apologize if the answer to this has been answered already elsewhere, but any ideas?
If you actually see the land through the water, you may try editing "shaders30\SeaWater.fx" with a notepad.
Open the file, and you'll see a line:

#define BaseOpacity 0.95

change it to

#define BaseOpacity 1.0

This might help.
No good. While it certainly has an affect (as demonstrated by a reduction to 0.5!), 1.0 (or 4.0 for that matter) look little different from 0.95. The water appears blackish the higher the number up to 1.0, but still transparent enough to see features below.

And for the record, it appears the same in all my installs (Base, ETO, MAW, PTO, Rising Sun, BoB). The relative featurelessness of the desert makes MAW the most palatable, but still not good.

All suggestions welcome.
If you are using my environment effects, released back before Ankor's shaders were available, the water files and shaders files are not compatible and should be removed in order to use Ankor's work.
Thank you for this information..
All my Advanced set ups have this installed..
I will remove the environment files and reload from my stock set ups..
onward and upward..
Yep, they are now obsolete, get rid of them if you installed them and use Ankor's work instead. The suneffect and related textures are still compatible, but not the water. I'll eventually redo them all to make them compatible with Ankor's mod.
It's been so long since I installed, I honestly can't remember. Is there an easy list of what I need to remove, if indeed I have them installed?

OK, now that I've looked into it, I definitely have your files installed as it gets me a true night, so I really don't want to lose that. Can I remove some files to get the water working properly but still maintain the night? When I looked at the files, nothing jumped out at me as obviously sea related.
I'm not with my PC at the moment, so I don't recall all the texture names. But here's what I remember: the water textures are located in the effects/fxtextures folder. There are four textures that start with "cfs3h2o" and 16 that start with h2o_01 thru h2o_16. Remove them and replace them with others from another install or there are several sets for download here. Also you will need to remove the shaders.xml located in the main directory and replace it with the stock shaders.xml. Then you will need to apply the shaders edit described in post #23 here:

Leave everything else alone and your dark nights will be left intact.
Excellent! Thank you! I am now up and rolling nicely.

New problem though. I have always feared that my lack of knowledge about the ins and outs of texturing in CFS3 would bite me one day, and it has. I whipped up skins for four B-17s a while back, and with all the new changes discussed here, two are fine and two are washed out bright. I did them all the same and the 's' textures are the same I think. Any ideas? I'm going to investigate more deeply tonight.