VMFP-3 RF-4B "SPOOK" now in the paintshop

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I downloaded and looked at the read-me included with the re-paint. In my copy of the Virtavia Phantom Pack 3, I don't have a "model.12" RF-4B(C). I looked also in Packs 1 and 2. Is the freeware Virtavia Phantom Packs different than what used to be payware?? Were some files omitted from the freeware version?

As a former USAF member with much association with the F-4, believe it when I say your textures bring back good memories of a much more uncomplicated and less worrisome time. Thanks again for your efforts, they are first rate!:salute:
I downloaded and looked at the read-me included with the re-paint. In my copy of the Virtavia Phantom Pack 3, I don't have a "model.12" RF-4B(C). I looked also in Packs 1 and 2. Is the freeware Virtavia Phantom Packs different than what used to be payware?? Were some files omitted from the freeware version?


Hello BB686, in side "paintkit 3", the one on the freeware site (I don't know about the payware edition) is a zipped file called "Supplement Models.zip" which contains model files 10, 11, and 12. They are for RAF GR.2, F-4B Early, and F-4B-C Late. I looked everywhere for the F-4B model files before I asked the same question and was direcrted to Paintkit 3!

Hi Modelr and SSI01, really good to know you like the Spook. It's also good to know it conjures up good memories for you both. Thank you for sharing and thank you for your service to our country. :salute: :salute:

Got it.... I didn't think to look in the paintkit... which I downloaded as well. Had you not told me it was under "Supplement Models" I would have never known it was there. Thanks again, Duckie. And thanks again for this outstanding repaint. :medals: Those old RF-4B's from VMFP-3 were quite the rag tag fleet of "rhinos" by the time their service life had ended, from what I am told.

Got it.... I didn't think to look in the paintkit... which I downloaded as well. Had you not told me it was under "Supplement Models" I would have never known it was there.

Glad to pay it forward. I was in exactly the same boat when I first began applying paint to the venerable old jets. :icon_lol:

Those old RF-4B's from VMFP-3 were quite the rag tag fleet of "rhinos" by the time their service life had ended, from what I am told.

From what I understand you are not wrong. Got an x-USAF pilot buddy who flew and instructed F-4C/Ds, and a USMC Gunnery Sgt. (ret.) buddy who was in avionics most of his career and worked on several types including the F-3D Skyknight! However, most of his career was bouncing between the USMC reconnaissance squadrons. He was an avionics supv. assigned to VMFP-3 for the last three years of his tour. They both said pretty much the same thing, that their old jets were just plain used up. IIRC Jessie left the USAF in 1982 and Gunny's last year was 1988.
