VR incoming to MSFS 22th December!

My opinion is it depends on your cash situation, and how important it is to you.

Personally, I think the smartest idea would be to wait till the next generation of headsets. As VR becomes more popular, prices will come down, and/or tech will increase a lot for the same price.

At the same time, it will give Asobo time to iron out issues that are sure to come up.

But, if you've got cash to burn, might as well jump in. Seems to me the Reverb G2 is the set to get.

My son just bought the Index, whole kit and caboodle. But I'm thinking, if I were to jump in, I'd only get the headset, as I'll be using my joystick, Ch throttle quad, and rudder pedals and a mouse, so I won't need the hand controllers since flight sim is the only place I'll use it.

Regarding cost, is $600 really that much more than $400 when you'll be using it over a multi-month period? Can you come up with another $200 in a month or two?

Here's a decent (oldish now, from earlier this year) review of what's available today for flightsim https://futureguests.com/best-flight-sim-vr-headset/
It doesn't cover the Rverb G2, though.
Its out!

The patch is big, 1Gb + 13,67Gb.


I have downloaded/installed the update, but haven't tried using VR yet (been at PC too long today, so may have to wait until tomorrow); but what is your opinion so far? NC
As Banana Bob said, the Oculus Rift is hard to beat for the price. I cannot use the devices as I am blind in my left eye. I prefer the Track IR devices.

After 6-7h of testing - finally I have 40-45 fps what is ok with Motion Reprojection on. Its not like in Prepar3Dv5 and MSFS needs more optimalizalition for sure, maybe this DX12 will help in the future. 30 FPS with reprojection is not enough for me. In total perfomance in P3Dv5 is better a lot but here is nice view for sure outside and inside the cockpit. I noticed big impact of High and Medium clouds for FPS. Its pity because low looks very bad (and now I set it up for better fps). Maybe mod for clouds? The picture in overall is very nice, I think better than in P3D - clear and sharp too, gauges, gps are very good visible, outside view too. Looks really nice. I use 70% of Render Scaling (so 2206x2161pxt) plus TAA. Here is very good job. Good job are all 3D panels, very easy to move map or ATC window by mouse and big PLUS for all settings, the whole menu :encouragement: ect works in VR too without any issue (here is how it should be in any simulator, no problem with the loading screen also!). Motion reprojection works nice with this new Latest OpenXR preview + Auto reprojection (I use Mixed Windows Reality), even if you have 41 FPS it works too, so not only at level 30, 45 and 90 but it works between 30 to 45 too which is a surprise. If you look at the ground directly below you, a small stutter is visible always despite the good frames what is bad. I prefer mouse only too in VC (not controllers), so this is good for me too what we have now. I hope this is not the end of the work of Asobo and Microsoft. The simulator in VR looks very nice but I think I will not leave P3Dv5 yet (which has better performance in VR on DX12 and more good flyable addons still). It's not bad but it's not perfect either. :wavey:

This is my settings for VR mode:

And OpenXR settings (you can download it from Microsoft Store, free tool).

VR screen (over Etna vulcano):

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the Oculus Rift is hard to beat for the price

From my few days each with Rift 2 and Quest 2 I'd say the Quest now has the Rift beaten on most fronts - the image is brighter and sharper and even on my aging system performance is better for the Quest. The Quest is being improved in software (higher rez), the Rift is EOL. The Quest has manual IPD adjustment.
Price in the UK is the same (you only need a 64GB Quest) though you need a cable, the Oculus one is pricey at £90 and there are cheaper alternatives.
You don't need such a long cable for seated games, it just gets knotted up...

The Rift is more comfortable, is Manly Black rather than Wii White and being dedicated is slightly simpler to use with sims. And it won't get stolen by family members to play Minecraft/Angry Birds...
After 6-7h of testing - finally I have 40-45 fps what is ok with Motion Reprojection on. Its not like in Prepar3Dv5 and MSFS needs more optimalizalition for sure, maybe this DX12 will help in the future. 30 FPS with reprojection is not enough for me. In total perfomance in P3Dv5 is better a lot but here is nice view for sure outside and inside the cockpit. I noticed big impact of High and Medium clouds for FPS. Its pity because low looks very bad (and now I set it up for better fps). Maybe mod for clouds? The picture in overall is very nice, I think better than in P3D - clear and sharp too, gauges, gps are very good visible, outside view too. Looks really nice. I use 70% of Render Scaling (so 2206x2161pxt) plus TAA. Here is very good job. Good job are all 3D panels, very easy to move map or ATC window by mouse and big PLUS for all settings, the whole menu :encouragement: ect works in VR too without any issue (here is how it should be in any simulator, no problem with the loading screen also!). Motion reprojection works nice with this new Latest OpenXR preview + Auto reprojection (I use Mixed Windows Reality), even if you have 41 FPS it works too, so not only at level 30, 45 and 90 but it works between 30 to 45 too which is a surprise. If you look at the ground directly below you, a small stutter is visible always despite the good frames what is bad. I prefer mouse only too in VC (not controllers), so this is good for me too what we have now. I hope this is not the end of the work of Asobo and Microsoft. The simulator in VR looks very nice but I think I will not leave P3Dv5 yet (which has better performance in VR on DX12 and more good flyable addons still). It's not bad but it's not perfect either. :wavey:

This is my settings for VR mode:

And OpenXR settings (you can download it from Microsoft Store, free tool).

VR screen (over Etna vulcano):

Yoyo, I've been reading a topic on the MSFS forums and found some tricks which really increased the performance on my limited system (i7 8700k with a GeForce 1070ti, headset is a Lenovo Explorer).
A quick summary of these tips:
1- Don't use the latest NVidia drivers 460.xx, it appears these cause some performance problems. Instead, it would be recommended to switch back to version 457.30.
2- In the OpenXR dev tools, set a custom render scale to 70% and keep it between 100% and 80% in the sim.
3- Still in that tool, try to set the reprojection to "disabled". The reprojection adds to the smoothness of the head movements, yes, but they also add a lot of stuttering in the scrolling of the scenery around you... like your plane speed is unstable, accelerating and braking every second... With that option set to disabled, the scrolling on screen is much smoother. You can notice that especially when taxiing, for example.
4- In the Windows 10 graphics settings (under the display settings, after you right-click on the desktop), ensure the hardware scheduling option is disabled.

These four settings have dramatically improved the performance on my computer.
I still have to keep the scenery details slider low, like 40 for example. However, I can fly with the clouds set to ultra !
Agreed. I turned off Motion Reprojection and followed those other settings for my G2, and the difference is remarkable. 40 fps with motion reprojection off is sooooo much smoother than the stutter-fest with motion repro on.
Which nVidia driver version are you using please? A lot of people are recommending rolling back to earlier (e.g. September '20) versions for better performance.

Many thanks


I use 460.79 and dont want to use the old one. This driver is perfect for P3Dv5 and VR for me in which I also fly :).

Yoyo, I've been reading a topic on the MSFS forums and found some tricks which really increased the performance on my limited system (i7 8700k with a GeForce 1070ti, headset is a Lenovo Explorer).
2- In the OpenXR dev tools, set a custom render scale to 70% and keep it between 100% and 80% in the sim.

Sorry, its crazy idea. This is the same like Render scaling in the sim directly. So if You use 80% in sim and here you will touch it (for example to next 80%) you will recive picture like 64% in the sim. 100% in the sim and move it in OpenXR or 80% in the sim but in OpenXR 100% like it is (not both in the same time).

3- Still in that tool, try to set the reprojection to "disabled". The reprojection adds to the smoothness of the head movements, yes, but they also add a lot of stuttering in the scrolling of the scenery around you... like your plane speed is unstable, accelerating and braking every second... With that option set to disabled, the scrolling on screen is much smoother. You can notice that especially when taxiing, for example.

I'll try it again but I have nice smoothness with MR=on. I see the stutter with MR=off and dont like it (its visible on taxi right, but only and a little during take off/landing only on the ground). The task of MR is smoothing of image, but this option obviously affects performance on some computers.
Edit: checked and I prefer Automatic option.

4- In the Windows 10 graphics settings (under the display settings, after you right-click on the desktop), ensure the hardware scheduling option is disabled.

Yes, I have turn it off.

I changed Clouds to Medium few days ago. This low is terrible option :biggrin-new:. So far so good.

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"Old" driver is just from one month and a half ago. Not really old, right ?
Concerning the render scale, according to the author of the topic, it's not exactly the same as the one in sim. Anyways, that setting helps me a lot, and other users also reported big smoothness increase by switching to previous driver.
If I can fly with clouds on Ultra on a GTX 1070ti, you can probably switch them at least to high. Medium clouds are not looking so great...
"Old" driver is just from one month and a half ago. Not really old, right ?
Concerning the render scale, according to the author of the topic, it's not exactly the same as the one in sim. Anyways, that setting helps me a lot, and other users also reported big smoothness increase by switching to previous driver.
If I can fly with clouds on Ultra on a GTX 1070ti, you can probably switch them at least to high. Medium clouds are not looking so great...

Im sure in 110% that Render scaling is the same :) , you can check direct in the sim resolution for confirmation of that. For sure reduction of Render scaling (especially downscaling) helps a lot for FPS but at the cost quality of image and pixel saturation, however, the most important thing is smoothness in VR.