Bought TacPack for P3Dv4 but this process (of upgrade) is simply stupid and and that's a little scam, simply.
(maybe it's an option to return this "Maintenance/Download Extension (+1 year)" ??? after this process ;>)
Yes, I think the demand to pay extra to re-download is bad publicity and rubs me the wrong way when:
1. I rarely have re-download an add-on. I make backups. It is only if the developer updates the product that I re-download. So, why do I need to pay for a service I don't use?
2. No other developer, that I know of, charges to re-download.
I know that they supply a niche market. I can understand the need to get a decent ROE. I also know that for some reason LM doesn't give them advanced notice of changes and that these cause them to scramble and have to re-code. However, the fact that they cry about this as an excuse to charge more make me ask, "Any why is that MY problem?" I can't help but look at REX, Milviz, Orbx, and see all the extra work they have done for free, and compare the these companies to VRS. With whom would you rather do business?
I really don't mind paying once again for the product, in spite of my thoughts above. I just think their seemly attitude of we have you bay the gonads and you will pay what we demand sucks. I don't need the F-18. I agree that it is the paragon of flight sim aircraft aircraft development. No one else has made an aircraft as accurate and realistic as the VRS F-18. However, I don't fly it all the time. Actually, I have far more aircraft than I have time to fly.
The TACPAC program is necessary if you want to drop bombs on simulated people and send unsuspecting airliners plunging to the ground in flames. More and more fighter aircraft are using it. So, unless LM unlocks weapons in the Academic or Professional versions, I may be forced to bow down and kiss their stinking feet.