If you back up your downloads somewhere safe, you really don't need to pay the maintenance fee in my opinion.
Storage devices are relatively cheap and easy to set up and use these days.
I make it a point to back up my payware downloads in two of which is a 10TB in a RAID5 configuration.
So, hopefully, I should be good unless some sort of disaster befalls me.
But I have to say that I do see jmig's point about the fee being added when you buy/upgrade to a new product with them.
I feel the same way. I said as much on VRS's site and was invited by VRS Varmint to explain how he was supposed to feed his family. The problem with the fee is that is isn't explained very well, unless you are a frequent forum visitor. This is the first time I had to pay it and frankly it pissed me off, which I said, which pissed off Varmint. I think this fee is a PR disaster for VRS. They obviously need the money. If their asking price isn't enough to pay the bills and have some left over, then they either need to raise the price or close shop. I would rather pay more for the quality they provide than see them close shop. Just be upfront about it.
I support them and their efforts. I think every hard core military pilot will be pleased with the F-18. BTW, I think you need to have TP in order to run the F-18 in PD3 V4.