Want a Mustang? Canadian style?

Wild Bill Kelso

Charter Member 2011
Here you go:


The real deal:


One small bummer we must live with:
The "City of Winnipeg" lettering had to be set a little offset and some smaller. The cowling's top (above the exhaust stacks) would stretch the letters otherwise.

Still some more fiddling on the antiglare coating and the specific letterings neccessary...

And it's of course the A2A/Shockwave/WoP P-51D.
The one with the unlimited amount of possible repaints that hasn't to be re-registered again and again and again... :d

That's awesome Wild Bill, I was all bumbed out yesterday because I couldnt find it. If I would read instead of looking at pictures, I could've figured it out. I love the civilian warbird paintjobs being done these days. Thanks Bill, Keep up the good work!!!:ernae:
Thank you for your encouraging words, gentlemen!

I love the civilian warbird paintjobs being done these days.
Me too.
They give a good reason to ride them in a "no-combat-zone"... :engel016:
One nice side effect:
There's a lot of good high-resolution pics available, allowing to get the decals accurate to the very last letter...
Very nice indeed. I once had a ride in an ex-RCAF P-51D, so this will bring back a lot of memories.

How much longer must we wait after being teased? I dont know how much longer I can hold out.
This cruel and unusual treatment is really taking its toll. I wife would really like you to upload it so I will finally get a peacefull sleep. Kinda like a kid waiting for Santa.:ernae:
Now that qualifies for a 32-bit repaint! :applause:

Sure it does!
Look what DXT3 (applied for evaluation purposes) does to these textures:

The lettering more or less survived, but the metal shine becomes screwed up.
I think I'll better keep them in 32bit... :icon_lol:

Ho-ho-ho, Santa's on his way! :santahat:
Just did some further research before uploading and look what I've found!
Get the whole thrilling story of salvage and restoration of this bird here:

So much for teasing, now it's uploading time...

Have fun!
Holy cow, this paint kit by John "Bomber12th" is stunning!
Thank you so much for your work, mate! :applause:



Who needs "bump mapping"?
These highlight & shadow layers create a surface that can be felt - just while looking at it!
Hey Markus, I'd not flown my A2A/Shockwave P-51 in a looooong time, since the WBS B/C came out. I'd forgotton how sweet this bird is and how nice John's paintkit is. You are really doing it justice.

I dug out my copy of JT's paintkit and started fiddling around with it last night. I think I've found a couple of US versions that JanKees missed and might give 'em a whirl.

Hi, Tien!

Sorry, I missed yours somehow.
Hope you don't mind... :ernae:

@ Duckie:

What about "E2*S" of the 375th FS / 361st FG (44-13926)?
Are you on it?
Or did anyone before?
I like this obviously field-made (olive drab?) coating of the upper surfaces...

@ Duckie:

What about "E2*S" of the 375th FS / 361st FG (44-13926)?
Are you on it?
Or did anyone before?
I like this obviously field-made (olive drab?) coating of the upper surfaces...


Markus, I think JanKees did that one, but if not I'll take it on. It's probably one of the most famous P-51s ever, or at least that photo is one of the most reproduced Mustang photos ever.

And besides, yu can never have too much fun or too many P-51s! :icon_lol:

I'll give a shout tonight with my current project --"Panty Waste" of the 20th FG.

If any one knows if this one or "E2*S" have been done for the A2A/Shockwave WW2 Fighters P-51, please let me know. Otherwise they will be done! :icon_lol:

That's great news, Duckie!

This way, I won't have to do it on my own and furtheron can concentrate on non-USAAF repaints, obeying our unspoken division of labour agreement... :icon_lol:

But I think I'll stop working on that Y2E rendition:
Comparing the museum's paint to a great source I found in the meantime


this restoration doesn't seem too accurate to me.
I'd better stick to the real ones.

Grant MacLean (isn't he a member here?) already did Y2A (bare metal) and Y2C (camo), but there are still enough left...

No offence here fellas, but isn't there enough USAF paints for the A2A P-51D already. How bout' more RAF, RCAF, RAAF, among others.:icon_lol:
Just wait and see, Dude!

Once the basic camo layer is done, some Commonwealth skins will follow!
Just found a nice source for Aussie birds here:


Although some of them are P-51Ks, I hope no one would mind taking me the D model as a basis...

Flightsim once again screwed up my file description text:

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 Warbirds FS2004 Canadian Mustang Mk IV
[SIZE=-1][ Download | View ] [/SIZE]
Name: mustang_rcaf9274.zip Size: 8,208,554 Date: 01-26-2010 Downloads: 37
FS2004 Canadian Mustang Mk IV "City of Winnipeg". Textures only for the payware A2A Wings of Power North American P-51D Mustang. Repaint by Markus Hellwig.
No offence here fellas, but isn't there enough USAF paints for the A2A P-51D already. How bout' more RAF, RCAF, RAAF, among others.:icon_lol:

None taken. But we tend to "work" on the things we like and know, especially when it comes to hobbies. Actually, becasue of Wild Bill I did do a little research on RAF, RCAF, and RAAF P-51s and found out pretty quickly how much I didn't know!

So, since the "Royal" mustangs appear to be in pretty good hands :ernae:, I'll stick with what I know and like. :salute:

Go bet 'em Markus! :icon_lol:
