Warbird for Christmas

The pilot was an easy fix, I noticed it pretty quickly. The worst thing about conversions is usually the texture mapping, but this one's spot on, fortunately. Onward :)

Actually, new Eagle Squadron pilots used to say they had to unbuckle and run around the cockpit for evasive action in combat!
Actually, new Eagle Squadron pilots used to say they had to unbuckle and run around the cockpit for evasive action in combat!

Having stood next to a couple of restored P-47's, I can attest to their rather large size. When they first deployed to England, RAF pilots did not believe they were fighters due to their gargantuan proportions as opposed to the petite Spitfire and Bf-109.
They are big but in the model that Dean has chosen to use for his project , the pilot's head is smaller than the gunsight !

If you look into other models from this modeller ( not Dean but the original modellers ) you'll see it's an issue for other subjects as well.But Dean has said he is going to make the changes that are required here and in other areas of the model so thumbsup. :encouragement: