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Thank you for accepting me, I'm Peter, another aviation-obsessed human(oid) who tries to hide on forums where it's hard to be unique with an obsession like this :)
I'm not that difficult, actually there are only a few things in my life sitting on (or nearly) the same level of importance like aviation and they are castles and classic cars. Ok, every 10-15 years bring up something new to catch up with those mentioned so I imagine when I die there'll be at least 7 of them. :)
Another returning simmer.

Hello all, thanks to the head shed crew, I'm finally cleared to post. Retired Aerospace worker on the assembly line in Renton Wa. Started with CFS, then Fs2K, CFS2, and finally worked up to FS2K4, but still spend most of my time flying CFS2. I finally found my backup CD's of all the addon aircraft and scenery from 10+ years of simming, so am busy consolidating and eliminating duplicate files. I hope to make some new friends here.

Steve "Wayland" Elmes

Hello all, have just joined the forum and now able to post. Name is Dave Evans an ex RAF Aircraft electrician having served 22 years, demobbed 1993 and now retired. I enjoy using FSX and getting to grips with the excellent new Aerosoft Lightning F3 the best model I have flown so far. Am still involved with the Lightning Preservation Group at Bruntingthorpe Aerodrome in Leicester and keep my hand in when able. Now to spend a few weeks catching up on the forums here.

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Hi All,

another noob here! Mad into FSX and Steve's DX10 fixer brought me here in search of Paul J's guide. so looking forward to some sound advice and where possible I'll sling some back

Hi everyone

Hi Guys,
New to SOH and relatively new to Flight Sim obsession. I've been keen on aviation all my life but now have more time to indulge and am thoroughly enjoying myself.

I am astonished at how much quality stuff is available as freeware from so many generous people including many here. I mainly fly older ie WW2 and unusual planes eg the Bronco. I particularly fly planes from Dino Cattaneo, Tim Conrad, Milton Schupe, Rob Richardson, Dave Garwood and Flying Stations (wonderful Sea Fury) and the teams they are part of. In addition I have toyed with the Dark Side and fly DCS A-10 and P-51.SOH came to my attention when I was investigating sounds and I came across the wonderful sounds created by Lawdog and others which are now throbbing out whenever I fly the Bearcat and Hornets - great planes. I've now added fairly full cockpit sounds to many of my planes and find it provides much improved immersion.

I'm also left handed which gives me a problem finding comfortable modern joysticks and HOTAS so I modded what is available to create my own. I use a Sidewinder 2 Force Feedback stick with FSForce, with a CH Flightstick handle with 2 extra multiway switches (home assembled) plus slide on replacement throttle handles for my saitek quadrant which also include another 3 multiway switches so I have a full control setup for the A-10.All these new switches connect to a Leo Bodnar matrix card which works really well and I have added a homemade trim wheel and flap control. I really love the Force Feedback setup and find that it and the trim wheel greatly improved my flying.

I take my hat off to all you very talented and generous developers - many thanks for the pleasure you have given me and many others.
I look forward to chatting with you all and discovering more gems and solutions.


silverghost - my online name from Total Annihilation and Eve online
(Ray McDonnell for real)

a word of warning!:banghead: this place is contagousi had 2 arms&legs when i joined i could spell then also:mixed-smiley-027:H

Hello All,
Thanks for allowing me to join the group. I have been involved in aviation since the early 80's. I received my private pilot's license in Maine and worked in the back of both fixed wing and rotary wing aircraft as a flight nurse. I have taken to the flight sim world as I lost my medical but didn't want to lose the enjoyment of flying.
An AF99 old plane builder

Hi to all, and thanks for your warm welcome!

The first time I flew on a sim, it was black and white wireframe on the Spectrum+... awesome! I always tried to get behind the mountains... Then it was on the Amiga 500 to fly under San Francisco bridge in the F-14 upside down, and later FS5.1 and FS98, and in 2001 my wife and a friend bought me AF99 for my 50th birthday. There, as soon as I got the grips of it a bit, the real fun started for me!

I began buiding mostly WWI multi-engined biplanes for FS98, as well as some WWII and civilian planes of the time, and more modern ones like the Raptor and the Dreamliner - and some Ekranoplans too! A friend was doing nice FD for them, and another some excellent paintwork, and still does. I slowly fought and still fight the bleedthrough battle ...and 5 years later more or less understood what glue means and does.

Then, only this year I discovered that it was Windows XP with its Spanish keyboard configuration, that after building for a while, would suddenly completely mess up certain textures because of the decimal comma and not the decimal point!!

Anyway, it is always a challenge to get it right! Never a dull moment...

As MS Flight Simulator progressed and I slowly became obsolete, so I tried using the newer aircraft building programmes for the newer Flight Simulators, but didn´t enjoy them as much, so I stuck to my aging AF99 and FS98 - and Aircraft Animator, of course, with the help of my painter and FD friends.

I was pleasantly surprised yesterday when I came across Ivan´s and Hubbahubba´s detailed AF99 very recent and not so recent posts and tutorials here at Sim Outhouse, and although SOH is dedicated to CFS, and specifically CFS1 with relation to AF99, I am glad to see that AF99 seems to be indeed very much alive and kicking around here!

I must confess that my only experience with CFS1 is bombing the train with the Me 109 from Interlaken, and the only flying I do is test-fly my planes in FS98, but I was wondering if perhaps it would be fun and refreshing to exchange ideas on this forum.

With kind regards to all,

Greetings to a exceptionally talented community

First, thanks to Paul for allowing an upgrade to my membership to post.

I am a retired Navy Master Chief now enjoying the spare time to revisit my interest in FS and CFS. The level of talent and patience so freely given to such a large community by the members and contributors of SOH is nothing less than astounding. I have a limited background in simulator development, mostly confined to Animator, Orbiter and GTR2 (though I have on occasion "meddled" with my FS2004 aircraft). That experience only serves to provide me with an understanding of the tremendous talent that I see when I look at what you've done here on SOH. Thank you so much for what you do and always know that no matter what you contribute it is very much appreciated by so many.

As for me, I retired from the Navy in 2011 after a very privileged career serving in Submarines, Aviation, and Surface Warfare. I currently reside in Virginia with my high school sweetheart who for some crazy reason has sought to bless me by remaining as my bride. Some guys have all the luck. I keep pretty busy with work but shoot often, am just getting into fly fishing (which surprisingly hooked me after one outing), golf, and love classic cars (though the toy position in the garage is longingly vacant right now).

I've had a life long interest in aviation fostered when my uncle gave me Martin Caidin's "The Ragged Rugged Warriors" at a very young age. I've been hooked ever since with the typical library, model, and RC plane endeavors that guys my age did when we were young. FS and CFS are terrific extensions of my youth and I can't thank all of you enough.

I'm now off to take CFS beyond the pacific.... I can almost hear those Hurricanes.... It's great to feel like a kid again. Thanks again and I promise not to lurk too much!

Newbie or Jeep

I'm happy to be a member, the forum seems to be a place to learn and or contribute. I'm well behind the power curve in flight sim and so far I have ben shopping the freeware like a kid in a candy store. Most of my payware aircraft are better than great and I really appreciate the "easy" installation on most of them. I do have one problem with a An-2. The tail wheel will not caster. I've tried the tail wheel switch on the panel and the "shift+G" in FSX. Can anyone tell me how I might have screwed this up?


Old Airman
Hi all ! Old sixstrings is back and posting.Been around SOH since the beginning . Had to change my user name after the e-mail change policy. My old trusty pc has died a while back and i have had several health problems too. Medical bills have to be paid first and now i'm starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Mom and Dad bought a new windows 8 computer and gave me their compac xp computer. I added a second hard drive with my 12 CFS3 installs and it killed the weak power supply! DARN ! Going to upgrade it with a 550/650 watt power supply,4 gigs of ram and a good Nvidia 2 gig video card. Will build a windows 7 64 bit pro Computer , 16/18 gigs of ram , fast cpu,a good mid/high level Nvidia 2/3 gig video card for Rise Of Flight,WOFF,ETO 1.50,PTO-Rising Sun and IL2 series.Hopefully will have done by mid spring , Lord willing. Besides playing guitar this , over the years , has been the most enjoyable hobby i have ever had. Beats golf or fishing...Peace my freinds
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Hi all,

just got my "+" these days - thx for that! :)
Now what should I say...? I originally come from the racesim-scene, where I spent a lot of time over the past years as (of course) racedriver, team-co-owner, skinner/painter and so on. I'm still around there every now and then, but many of the comrades moved to new platforms which didn't attract me that much. It was the right time to move the focus a bit towards flightsimming again. I tried it before, but it was as time consuming as the racesimming and I abandoned it several times for that reason.

I was a bit into aviation since I was a child. Mostly military stuff with shooting and all that. :) Dunno how it came. I assembled a 1/100 scale model of a MiG-17 at the age of 7 or so. Next was a TU-20. But then I got a kit of the Mil Mi-10K. THAT must have been the point when my soft spot for helicopters began to move towards something like an addiction. Plus the fact that lots of Mi-8/17s circled around where I grew up (former GDR, at the Czech border). They flew almost directly over our house, maybe 200m away, but I still needed binoculars to see the craft more detailed.

Last year or so I saw a copy of FSX Gold for 20-ish euros and grabbed it. Cheap as it was. Then it started to get a bit mad. UTX, GEX, REX, German Landmarks (where I'm from), Switzerland ProX (where I live since 2002), various addons etc... It turned out to be not that cheap as it looked like initially. Lol!

Anyways, atm I mostly use the AS Huey (TSS sound and HTR ftw!) mostly plus a (seemingly) new Mi-8, which grew to me immediately. I'll post about that in another part of the forum if someone's interested. Just that (before someone shouts "Piracy!") - it's just a refurbished Vladimir Zhyhulskiy Mi-8 conversion. The one which was available everywhere with no working panelstuff. ;)
My areas are the those where I come from/live plus Vietnam with that cool Vietnamwarproject-scenery.
Furthermore I'm about to get into some ai-flightplanning to fill up my skies a bit with cold-war-era jets and helos. Just for being not alone up there and to have somthing to look at or to follow.
Then I think of gettin' into skinning. Shouldn't be that difficult since I painted 100-ish cars for GTR2.

Oh, since many of you guys have a military background, I'll tell mine aswell. Nothing big, but it was a good time. I served from 1996 - 2000 in a Special Engineers battalion, did one SFOR and one KFOR mission and some cool maneuvres in England and Belgium. Both airmobile engineer trainings. So I flew in several helicopters; CH-47 (HC.1/3 in that case), Lynx, BO-105 (birthday present by a high ranked officer during a flood operation) and CH-53G. Still some good memories here. :)
Besides being a passenger due to pure luck I never had anything to do with aircrafts of any type or form.

Okay, enough bored, lol.


new guy...old CFS2 fan.

First off...thanks Paul for the invitation to post. Looking forward to meeting new flight sim fans. I was a huge CFS1 ansd CFS2 fan back in the the late 90's..and early 2000's. Have not played in years, but recently re-installed CFS2 on my 'puter. Used to be able to find great people to fly and shoot down (he he) at the old MSN gaming zone. Miss the fun. I hope I can meet virtual pilots here to fly with via IP connection.

Thank you for your reception and hello with all the community for your forum.
I present myself, I am French, with the retirement soon 70 years, private old driver plane and sailplane and continuous from time to time to appease my aeronautical passion with the Fsx simulator.
I do not speak your language and uses the automatic translator. what will often prevent me poster.
I like your forum and regularly consults it since step badly time, in particular the hot spots like C47 Dc3 by Ian, a true wonder that await it impatiently.
I would have liked to also download the skin metal red bull for new P-38 L Milviz (P-38-L Red Bull for Milviz Redux.zip) but I do not can dowload.

Thank you still.
Well Cordially.
Bonjour Nene,

Normalement, il n'y a aucun problème pour télécharger les fichiers de Sim-Outhouse si tu es membre. Et visiblement tu l'es.

Il y a quelques administrateurs du site qui parlent le Français. Huub Vink par exemple. Je suis sûr que Huub veut bien t'aider!

Mais bienvenu chez Sim-Outhouse!

Bien à toi,

Bonjour Nene,

Normalement, il n'y a aucun problème pour télécharger les fichiers de Sim-Outhouse si tu es membre. Et visiblement tu l'es.

Il y a quelques administrateurs du site qui parlent le Français. Huub Vink par exemple. Je suis sûr que Huub veut bien t'aider!

Mais n'hésites pas de m'envoyer un message personnel en Français. je suis Belge et je me débrouille dans la langue de Mollière! ;-)

Mais avant tout bienvenu chez Sim-Outhouse!

Bien à toi,

Hello everyone !

I'm a little frenchie, 21 years, coming right from WarThunder with the same username.
Even if I'm impressed by simulator games I didn't play one for now.

I am coming here, to share with you my work and also my difficulties: in fact, there is only a few days now, Gaijin (the WarThunder's society) finally allow what we can called "UserPlanes" - they are aerial unit imported by players.
Like WarThunder is pretty lacking of some units (the game timeline is from 1928 (the Po-2 & TB-3M) to 1953~ (MiG-15 & F-86 Sabre) ) using concept of National Tech-Tree (we have USA / U-K / German / USSR / Japan).

As exemple:
France appear only with three premium aircraft in the UK-Tree: a DB-7, a D.520 and a D.521 (non-historical: same set of weapon, but with the Spitfire engine...)
Italy appear with a micro-tech-tree in the German one: CR.42, G.50 Freccia (2 variants), MC.200 (2 variants), the MC.202 Folgore & some S.79 Sparviero.

A game like this "good" to make historical battle from the middle to the end of the WW2, but that's it.
That's why I want to import some new aircraft, but to do it I need to have 3D model... Or I don't know how to do it with 3DS Max 2011. Here comes my idea: import 3D models which are already existing elsewhere (with free access, sure).

For now it's quite good, as you could see there:

It is a Dewoitine 510 from Helijah, found on sketchfab. I need to learn how to make Animation & Damaged Skin and this D.510 will be complete.

I come here to show this work and mostly to receive help, tips from you (a community with real aircraft creators).

I hope I can create a link between our community


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Hello to Everyone


I want to thank Dangerous Dave for taking special pains to get me in here and to PRB for extending plus status. This is a great place -- I was here several years ago and then fell out of touch somehow. I make no secret of the fact that I'm a user of other people's work, the great work that's available here, because despite some fitful efforts that came to nothing over the years, I just can't create at this level. Which only makes it all the more impressive to be able to see what others are doing, the talented makers and consultants, specialists and tweakers who offer innocuous but highly rewarding recreation to people all over the world. Being a member here at SOH gives some substance to that feeling of being in a community.

I grew up in a place that back then lay between the place where they built AVCO/Lycoming engines and the place where they made Piper Cubs. Lots of my friends' parents worked at one or another of those places and in those days there was still an expectation that everyone could afford to choose between buying a second car and buying a private plane, and I can still smell the machine oil on the new instruments and feel the buckle on the seat belt as well as I did when I was six years old. And those were the days when you also had to hold your mom's hand and calm her down as you flew short hops around Pennsylvania on Allegheny Airlines... When I discovered FS98 I got hooked, and I'm still at it in FS9. As for later-life experiences that might bear in some way on SOH, there haven't been many but I don't know what was more of a thrill, either an unexpected meeting with Col. Tibbets when a B-29 made a weather-related stop at an airport I was living near, or my first ride in the back of an Antonov-2. Anyway, what we're all after is the realistic simulation of a much-imagined experience, my wife doesn't mind, and here I am, feeling honored to be among you.

Thanks again for letting me in, and all the best,
Bill Brand