Welcome to Yellowknife 2010

Thanks Sidney.. it's on the HD waiting for me to get a bit of time (tonight?) but from the screenshots it looks superb!

Thanks to all who jumped into the fray to help!

Great work guys.Will install and try it out tomorrow night.Have you included an AFCAD file or does it use the default? Just asking because i have a heavy AI presence at YZF and use an AFCAD file i made years ago to cope with the heavy traffic.
Great news, Sid!

I'm at the office now but can't wait to get home to make some test hops.

As far as I know, Sid created a custom AFCAD with specific parking codes to get those AI aircraft parking at the correct shed.

The afcad was pretty much completely redone except for the runways. The parking spaces at the terminal are generic gates to accomodate the normal ai traffic...Westjet, Canadian North, First Air, etc. The static ai of course are placed at specific locations.
Nice one Sid. The traffic line up looks great and compliments the package, well done.
If anyone wants to make the Air Tindi traffic even more dense:

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Category: Flight Simulator 2004 - AI Aircraft[/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]New! [/FONT] [FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Air Tindi Fleet Package [/FONT]

[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]File Description:
Textures for Henry Tomkiewicz and Dee Waldron AI aircraft in Air Tindi Ltd. (Canada) livery. Fleet package includes repaints for: one Beech C99, one Cessna Citation II, one C208, two C208B, three Dash 7, three C185, four King Air B200 and five DHC6 Twin Otter. Textures only, you will need the base models. Package includes repaints to be used with Henry Tomkiewicz payware Cessna models. This is a re-upload as original is missing due to the AVSIM hack.
[FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Filename:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]air_tindi_8t_aifleet_dtb_267421.zip[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]License:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Freeware[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Added:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]5th January 2010[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Downloads:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]95[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Author:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Darren Belanger[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]Size:[/FONT][FONT=verdana, sans-serif]2972kb[/FONT]
Hmmmm - that's strange:

The "dynamic" traffic works fine, and the First Air statics (737, Herc and 748) are just where they belong.
But the 440Sq, Buffalo and Tindi ramps are clean as a plate. Nada... :isadizzy:
Where did they go?

Had a quick glance into the traffic file (Traffic Tools seems to reject to open traffic files which don't start with "traffic", so I had to rename it before decompiling), and everything seems to be in place.
The weekly flight plans are starting at about 0900 zulu, so I avoided this time (must be quite in-the-middle-of-the-night locally), and the traffic density is set to 100%.
Parking codes at the AFCAD are aligned to the aircraft's codes, so it should work.

Is it just me having this trouble?

So far you're the only one that's reported that problem, Marcus. Are you using the static ai fleet from my package, or the ones you already had installed? You should use mine...the parking codes in the cfg files were tweaked.

Would those of you who've installed the scenery please tell me if the baggage carts by the main terminal are showing?

I just spent a few minutes hovering around YellowKnife in the Alpha S-55...Amazing scenery. Even down low and slow, frame rates on my older system were only 4 FPS off of their locked 25 Max (24.9 is actually what I get, have never actually seen 25 FPS). I was looking for the baggage carts but did not see them...not saying they weren't there...I was looking for the blue carts...which were all over the place....will go back in and look for YELLOW baggage carts.

One issue I have with the area...and this has nothing to do with your scenery Sidney...all the little lakes around the Yellow Knife area are elevated a hundred feet or so....even with the stock Yellow Knife. I use Rhumbaflappy's LOD5/7 mesh....so the mesh is probably showing a lower altitude than the stock mesh and the lakes are showing the stock elevations and are thus all extruded across the land.

One question on the scenery AI though...are there certains times when AI activity is more likely to be seen...you know...planes coming and going?


I have the same problem with payware FSGenesis. I have to make flatten files quite often because of the mesa problem. Yellowknife requires a massive flatten file to knock down all the lakes to airport height but it's easy enough to do.
So far you're the only one that's reported that problem, Marcus. Are you using the static ai fleet from my package, or the ones you already had installed? You should use mine...the parking codes in the cfg files were tweaked.

Would those of you who've installed the scenery please tell me if the baggage carts by the main terminal are showing?

No baggage carts for me. Double checked all the required scenery bgl's and all are in place. Edited in: The yellow tractors are there, just no carts behind them.

sidenote: my framerates are slammed by the scenery. Tried the deletion of the usual suspects, like ai, to no avail. I go from a locked in 28 to 3-5 frames with some loss and then recovery of texturing.

No baggage carts pic
I was looking for the baggage carts but did not see them...not saying they weren't there...I was looking for the blue carts...which were all over the place....will go back in and look for YELLOW baggage carts.
You needn't bother...I've already determined that those baggage carts should not have been used in the first place. They are from someone else's scenery...I don't think Pete realized this when he used them. We'll be replacing them. :isadizzy:

One issue I have with the area...and this has nothing to do with your scenery Sidney...all the little lakes around the Yellow Knife area are elevated a hundred feet or so....even with the stock Yellow Knife.

I had the same problem and had been using a flatten that someone else made. At some point I installed the free FSgenesis meshes and now the flatten is no longer necessary.

One question on the scenery AI though...are there certains times when AI activity is more likely to be seen...you know...planes coming and going?
The static ai planes are, well, static. The only moving ai traffic you should get is at the main terminal parking spots, and a couple of spots by the Air Tindi hanger. Whatever moving ai traffic you get has nothing to do with the scenery and everything to do with the ai traffic you're using. If your ai traffic flight plans don't include Yelloknife, you won't see any moving traffic.
No baggage carts for me. Double checked all the required scenery bgl's and all are in place.
OK, that's what I figured would happen. It's being fixed.

sidenote: my framerates are slammed by the scenery. Tried the deletion of the usual suspects, like ai, to no avail. I go from a locked in 28 to 3-5 frames with some loss and then recovery of texturing.
Yeah, it's a complex bit of scenery. It's modular, though, so you can remove some of the details and get better frame rates. You can identify what's in the various bgl's by their names, for example Yellowknife_CYZF_Fences_EZ_Pete.bgl or Yellowknife_CYZF_Main_Ramp_Objects_EZ_Pete.bgl. You can disable any of these by changing the file name extension to something other than .bgl, or you can move them in to a non-scenery folder. If you want to delete the static ai planes, do the same with Yellowknife_CYZF_Static_Traffic.bgl.
One issue I have with the area...and this has nothing to do with your scenery Sidney...all the little lakes around the Yellow Knife area are elevated a hundred feet or so....even with the stock Yellow Knife.
I had the same problem and had been using a flatten that someone else made. At some point I installed the free FSgenesis meshes and now the flatten is no longer necessary.

From an earlier thread-----...dropped in the Yellowknife flatten bgl ....... from ytbases1.zip by Curt Jardey......Fixed it right up.......
flatten bgl name: Yellowknife_City_Flatten.bgl
ytbases1.zip is available at flightsim
After flying around the Yellow Knife scenery a couple times...I actually took time to read the documentation and found out that there is a whole slew of add on scenery libraries that need to be downloaded and installed to get the full blown picture...Not to be disrespectful of the work put into this scenery...but I think I am going to skip the libraries to keep frame rates up. As the scenery is, without the library items, it is superb and gives me great frame rates...I think I will keep it "simple" and light...Yellow Knife still looks great without the library thingies.

No offense taken, Obio. I have a crappy old computer and will not be able to run the full version of my own scenery...I'll be removing most of the ramp objects and fences. Without the libraries you'll be missing a bunch of hangers, thoug. You might try what I suggested to Brent - disabling some of the CYZF scenery bgl's instead. Whatever works.... :salute:
A couple of thoughts... adding Curt's YT bases gives the extra bonus of having a few floater spots to land -including the very busy Yellowknife waterdrome (even though MS did a poor job of shorelines etc.).

As for the elevation issue, again, Curt's addon seems to cure most of it.

Real world perspective... most of the water around CYZF is actually 100-300 feet lower than the airport - they found a bit of a plateau to build the strip on (Long Lake just off the end of rwy 33 is about 100ft below airport elevation and Yellowknife Bay/ Back Bay is nearer the -200 ft point). As many of the lakes in the area are not connected to each other it's quite possible a couple are higher than the airport and certainly higher than the main water level of Great Slave Lake.
I just looked it up.. CYZF 674' ASL, CEN9 (YK Water) 514' ASL
The last pic is taken on the Back Bay just off the seaplane dock looking across at Giant Mine and the airport and shows the elevation of the shore.
