Ah, it's just a big clash of egos is all. Human nature doing what human nature does.
I don't think it helped that a few chaps responded to one chap's impulse with a "screw you then" attitude. As if the assumption was immediately made that Ickie was talking for the entire SoH team. And then the SoH team responded to that as if those few chaps were the entire OFF community.
But that's what humans do. Group-think. Tribal response. A classic example of why humanity keeps on having wars, the old 'us/them' dynamic.
OvS, no offence mate, but I suspect I can guess why they didn't take you up on your offer. I could be entirely wrong, but you do very much come across as somebody who would have too much ego invested in your actions as a moderator. More moderation for the sake of displaying your AUTHORITAH than actually maintaining good order and discipline. People like to have a bit of a ruck on occasion, but so long as it doesn't get to the point of outright naked abuse they should be given their head. I suspect you'd be straight in with the SimHQ-style condescending superiority, followed by suspensions and bannings if anyone dared to question your AUTHORITAH! Forums don't need that kind of posturing, and it's why SimHQ is mostly populated by obsequious eunuchs these days. That sense that there is ALWAYS somebody looking over your shoulder as you type, just waiting for an excuse, ANY excuse, to shout "GOD is here! Fear my AUTHORITAH! WHAT are you saying?! Run it by me first, and pay due homage, for I am the final arbiter of your thoughts and only with my good grace may you express them."
But that's just my opinion, an observation. I don't know you, so it can't be personal and please don't take it as such.
As for the SoH staff, I can understand exactly where they're coming from, on an ego-basis or otherwise. One of them had a little spaz, next minute a number of members were giving the entire outfit the high hat. I'd be pissed off too. At them. Like to think I'd be able to firstly see them in isolation (not representitive of the entire OFF community) and ALSO understand their reasons for going off on a rant. We're humans, not robots. Passions, tempers, reactions, heat of the moment stuff. People say stuff they don't entirely mean, or mean at all. Or they mean every bit of it, just for that moment.
Whatever, what's done is done. My donation (as that seems to be an issue in some quarters), my paltry amount was donated on the basis of what SoH has given, past present and future. Not for the now, not for my specific useage and not just for the OFF forum. I had over 600 members donating to my forum once, some years ago, and I donate to various sites in the same spirit in which they donated to mine. "Thanks for the nice gaff, here's a few dollars, do what the hell you like with it."
Thanks to the SoH staff then, I've had a jolly nice time here. Shame it's ended the way it has but god, it ain't the end of the world and we'll all be yakking again in other forums, here and on other sites, soon as the dust has settled.